
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 197-207 202 improve the overall efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by partially replacing fossil fuels with renewable biomass. Co-firing also helps in utilizing existing coal-fired power plants with minimal modifications, making it a cost-effective solution for integrating biomass into the energy mix (Patel et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2021). 6.3 Emission control and environmental impact Combustion of forestry waste can lead to the emission of pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Effective emission control strategies are essential to minimize the environmental impact. Technologies such as electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, and scrubbers can be employed to capture particulate emissions. Additionally, optimizing combustion conditions and using advanced combustion technologies can reduce the formation of NOx and SOx. The environmental impact of biomass combustion is generally lower than that of fossil fuels, as biomass is considered carbon-neutral due to the CO2 absorbed during the growth of the plants (Solarte-Toro et al., 2021; Jha et al., 2022). 6.4 Technological advancements and optimization of combustion systems Recent advancements in combustion technology have focused on improving the efficiency and environmental performance of biomass combustion systems. Innovations such as fluidized bed combustion and staged combustion have been developed to enhance the combustion process. Fluidized bed combustion allows for better mixing of the biomass with air, leading to more complete combustion and lower emissions. Staged combustion involves dividing the combustion process into multiple stages to control the temperature and reduce the formation of pollutants. Additionally, the integration of biomass combustion with other processes, such as gasification and pyrolysis, can further optimize energy recovery and reduce emissions (Patel et al., 2016; Pang, 2019; Yang et al., 2019). 7 Comparative Analysis of Thermochemical Methods 7.1 Energy efficiency and yield comparison Thermochemical conversion methods such as pyrolysis, gasification, torrefaction, and combustion are widely recognized for their efficiency in converting forestry waste into energy. Pyrolysis and gasification, in particular, have shown high energy yields and efficiency. For instance, gasification of forestry residues can generate net power in the range of 100 to 200 kW/ton, with some systems achieving up to 363 kW/ton. Pyrolysis, especially when combined with waste plastics, can enhance biofuel production and energy security. Torrefaction, while producing lower energy yields compared to gasification, still offers significant improvements in energy density and fuel properties (Vega et al., 2019; Ong et al., 2020). 7.2 Economic feasibility and cost analysis Economic feasibility is a critical factor in the adoption of thermochemical conversion technologies. The techno-economic analysis of various thermochemical processes, including incineration, pyrolysis, gasification, and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), indicates that these methods can be economically viable at an industrial scale. Key performance indicators such as capital and operational costs, electricity generation per tonne, and net revenue per tonne of feedstock are essential metrics for evaluating economic feasibility (Gabbar and Aboughaly, 2021). The circular economy perspective further supports the economic use of forestry waste by integrating waste streams and local technical solutions to meet sustainability criteria (Song et al., 2020). 7.3 Environmental impact assessment The environmental impact of thermochemical conversion methods is a significant consideration. Gasification, for example, has been shown to be environmentally friendly for most systems, with low global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), and eutrophication potential (EP) (Safarian et al., 2021). Co-pyrolysis of biomass with waste plastics not only improves energy yields but also addresses waste management and reduces dependency on fossil fuels, thereby mitigating environmental pollution (Uzoejinwa et al., 2018). The use of advanced analytical techniques like TG-FTIR can further optimize the environmental performance of these processes by accurately characterizing biomass and improving conversion efficiency (Ong et al., 2020).