
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 186-196 194 various types of wastewater, including industrial effluents, while generating bioelectricity, positions them as a sustainable solution for resource recovery. The integration of MFCs with other treatment systems, such as MBRs and microalgae, not only enhances treatment efficiency but also offers additional benefits like CO2 sequestration and biomass production. These advancements suggest that MFCs could significantly reduce the energy footprint of wastewater treatment plants and contribute to the circular economy by converting waste into valuable resources. The future of MFC technology in wastewater treatment looks promising, with ongoing research focused on overcoming current limitations and enhancing performance. Continued improvements in reactor design, electrode materials, and microbial community management are expected to increase the efficiency and economic viability of MFCs. The development of hybrid systems and the integration of MFCs with existing treatment technologies will likely play a crucial role in their widespread adoption. As the technology matures, MFCs have the potential to become a cornerstone of sustainable wastewater treatment, contributing to energy recovery, pollution reduction, and resource conservation. The ongoing exploration of novel substrates and innovative configurations will further expand the applicability and effectiveness of MFCs in diverse wastewater treatment scenarios. Acknowledgments I appreciate the feedback from two anonymous peer reviewers on the manuscript of this study, whose careful evaluation and constructive suggestions have contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Abbasi U., Jin W., Pervez A., Bhatti Z., Tariq M., Shaheen S., Iqbal A., and Mahmood Q., 2016, Anaerobic microbial fuel cell treating combined industrial wastewater: Correlation of electricity generation with pollutants, Bioresource Technology, 200: 1-7. Ardakani M., and Gholikandi G., 2020, Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) in integration with anaerobic treatment processes (AnTPs) and membrane bioreactors (MBRs) for simultaneous efficient wastewater/sludge treatment and energy recovery -A state-of-the-art review, Biomass and Bioenergy, 141: 105726. Cecconet D., Molognoni D., Callegari A., and Capodaglio A., 2018, Agro-food industry wastewater treatment with microbial fuel cells: Energetic recovery issues, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43: 500-511. Du Z., Li H., and Gu T., 2007, A state of the art review on microbial fuel cells: A promising technology for wastewater treatment and bioenergy, Biotechnology Advances, 25(5): 464-482. Gul H., Raza W., Lee J., Azam M., Ashraf M., and Kim K., 2021, Progress in microbial fuel cell technology for wastewater treatment and energy harvesting, Chemosphere, 281: 130828. Guo Y., Wang J., Shinde S., Wang X., Li Y., Dai Y., Ren J., Zhang P., and Liu X., 2020, Simultaneous wastewater treatment and energy harvesting in microbial fuel cells: an update on the biocatalysts., RSC Advances, 10: 25874-25887. Kim J., Premier G., Hawkes F., Rodríguez J., Dinsdale R., and Guwy A., 2010, Modular tubular microbial fuel cells for energy recovery during sucrose wastewater treatment at low organic loading rate, Bioresource Technology, 101(4): 1190-1198. Kumar S., Kumar V., Malyan S., Sharma J., Mathimani T., Maskarenj M., Ghosh P., and Pugazhendhi A., 2019, Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for bioelectrochemical treatment of different wastewater streams., Fuel, 254: 115526. Kusmayadi A., Leong Y., Yen H., Huang C., Dong C., and Chang J., 2020, Microalgae‐microbial fuel cell (mMFC): an integrated process for electricity generation wastewater treatment CO2 sequestration and biomass production, International Journal of Energy Research, 44: 9254-9265.