
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 186-196 193 paving the way for their widespread adoption in wastewater treatment plants (Kusmayadi et al., 2020). The potential for MFCs to be used as biosensors for process control further adds to their long-term sustainability by improving system performance and reducing maintenance costs. 8 Future Prospects and Research Directions 8.1 Potential for MFC technology in various types of wastewater treatment Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology holds significant promise for treating a wide array of wastewater types, ranging from domestic to industrial effluents. The versatility of MFCs in handling different substrates has been well-documented, showcasing their ability to treat complex wastewaters such as those from the agro-food industry and dairy processing, which are rich in organic matter and highly biodegradable (Cecconet et al., 2018; Kumar et al., 2019). Additionally, MFCs have demonstrated efficacy in treating low-strength wastewater by integrating with other technologies like anaerobic acidification and forward osmosis, thereby enhancing both bioelectricity and water recovery (Liu et al., 2017). The modular design of MFCs also allows for scalable solutions that can adapt to varying organic loading rates, making them suitable for diverse wastewater treatment applications (Kim et al., 2018). 8.2 Emerging trends and future research areas Recent advancements in MFC technology have focused on improving the efficiency of energy recovery and pollutant removal through innovative designs and materials. For instance, the use of nitrogen-doped graphene as a cathode catalyst has shown to significantly enhance power generation and stability in neutral pH conditions, outperforming traditional Pt/C catalysts (Liu et al., 2013). Another emerging trend is the integration of MFCs with other treatment processes, such as constructed wetlands and forward osmosis membranes, to create hybrid systems that maximize both energy recovery and wastewater treatment efficiency (Oon et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2017). Future research should continue to explore the optimization of biocatalysts and electrode materials, as well as the development of more efficient electron transfer mechanisms to further enhance the performance of MFCs (Guo et al., 2020). 8.3 Recommendations for policy and regulatory support To facilitate the widespread adoption of MFC technology, it is crucial to develop supportive policies and regulatory frameworks. Governments and regulatory bodies should consider providing incentives for the implementation of MFCs in wastewater treatment plants, particularly in industries with high organic waste outputs such as the agro-food sector (Cecconet et al., 2018). Additionally, funding for research and development should be increased to address the current challenges in scaling up MFC systems and improving their economic viability (Gul et al., 2021). Standardizing performance metrics and establishing guidelines for the safe and effective operation of MFCs will also be essential in promoting their integration into existing wastewater treatment infrastructures (Malik et al., 2023). By fostering a supportive regulatory environment, the potential of MFC technology to contribute to sustainable energy recovery and environmental protection can be fully realized. 9 Concluding Remarks Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) have demonstrated significant potential in the field of wastewater treatment by simultaneously addressing pollution and generating electricity. Various substrates, including low-strength wastewaters and lignocellulosic biomass, have been explored for their efficacy in MFCs, showing promise for sustainable energy production despite current limitations in power yields. The integration of MFCs with other systems, such as membrane bioreactors (MBRs) and microalgae, has further enhanced their performance, leading to improved chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and energy recovery. Additionally, advancements in electrode materials, such as nitrogen-doped graphene, have contributed to more stable and efficient power generation. The scalability of MFCs has also been demonstrated, with systems capable of treating real wastewater continuously while maintaining high pollutant removal rates. The application of MFC technology in wastewater treatment presents a dual benefit of pollution mitigation and energy recovery, making it a highly attractive alternative to conventional methods. The ability of MFCs to treat