
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 135-146 137 Table 1 Summary of dominant approaches to modify biomass polysaccharide composition (adopted from Brandon and Scheller, 2020) Engineered species Transgene expressed Effects on biomass composition and conversion References A. thaliana AtCesA2, AtCesA5, AtCesA6 (+)29-37% Cel Hu et al., 2018 GhCOBL9A (+)59%Cel Niu et al., 2018 AtGalS1::AtUGE2::AtURGT1 (+) 80% Gal Gondolf et al., 2014; Aznar et al., 2018 pSAG12:OsCSLF6 (+) non-Cellulosic Glc Vega-Sánchez et al., 2015 AtlRX10G283D, AtlRX10E293Q (-)39-55%Xyl Brandon et al., 2019 AtSBD123 (+)76% FW;(+)50% HC;(+)30% Pec;(+) 100% non-crystalline Cel; (+)28% IVD Grisolia et al., 2017 Populus spp. pEST:PcPL1 (+) 90-100% SE, post-induction Tomassetti et al., 2015 pSAG12:AnPGA2 (+) 50-100% SE, post-senescence Tomassetti et al., 2015 AtPMEI-2 (+) 50% SE: (+) 68% DW Lionetti et al., 2010 GhSuSy (+) 2-6% Cel; (+) Crl Coleman et al., 2009 PdDUF266A (+)17-34%DW:(+)37%Cel;(+)13%Cel DP; (+) 38% SE Yang et al., 2017a Tobacco AnAXE1 (+) 26%SE Pawar et al., 2016; 2017 PdDUF231A (+) 8-21% Cel (-) 6-8% lignin Yang et al., 2017b AaXEG2 (+) DW; (+) 81% SE Kaida et al., 2009; Park et al., 2004 PtPL1 (+) SE Biswal et al., 2014 PsnSuSy1/2 (+) 18% Cel; (-) 28% ligrin Wei et al., 2015; Li et al., 2019 AcCel5 (+) 10-15% SE Brunecky et al., 2011 TrCel5 (-) FW; (-) Cel Klose et al., 2015 ClEXPA1/2 (+) FW; (+) 30-50% Cel Wang et al., 2011 AnPGA2 (+) 100% SE: (-) 50-84% FW Lionetti et al., 2010 P.virgatum PvCesA4,PvCesA6 (-DW: (-) 6-33% Cel: (+) 2-12% Xyl Mazarei et al. 2018 OSAT10 (+) 40%Cel Li et al., 2018 O.sativa OsSuSy3 (+) 15-26% Cel: (+) 11-13% HC Fan et al., 2017, 2019 OsGH9B1,OsGH9B3 (+) 63%SE Huang et al., 2019 OsARAF1,OsARAF3 (-) 19-25% Ara; (-) 28-34% Cel Sumiyoshi et al.. 2013 OsAT10 (+)8-19% Cel; (+)40%SE Bartley et al., 2013 Saccharum spp. CsCESA (+) 31% Cel;(+) 28-69% SE; (+) 25% Suc;(+) 56% non-Cel Glc; (+) 22% Gal; (+) 53% GalA Ndimande, 2018 F.arundinacea AnFAE (+) 10-14% IVD de Buanafina et al., 2008; 2010; Morris et al., 2017 Note: Stong, constitutive promoters were used unless otherwise indicated; Cel: Cellulose; Ara: Arabinose; Glc: Glucose; Gal: Galacturonic acid; Suc: Sucrose; Xyl: Xylose; HC: Hemicellulose; Pec: Pectin; FW: Fresh weight; DW: FDry weight; DP: Degree of polymerization; Crl: Cellulose crystallinity index; SE: Saccharification effciency; IVD: In vitro digestibility 3 Biochemical Mechanisms of Biomass Conversion 3.1 Starch conversion processes The enzymatic breakdown of cassava starch into sugars suitable for fermentation involves a series of biochemical reactions. Cassava pulp, a by-product of starch extraction, contains a high level of starchy-lignocellulosic biomass. An adapted one-step enzymatic hydrolysis process has been developed to convert this biomass into reducing