
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 186-196 190 promise in enhancing bio-electricity and water recovery from low-strength wastewater, achieving a maximum power density of 4.38 W/m³ (Liu et al., 2017). The development of hybrid systems, such as the combination of MFCs with membrane bioreactors (MBRs), has also been explored to mitigate membrane fouling and improve overall system performance (Wang et al., 2016; Zhao et al., 2021). These advancements have significantly contributed to the feasibility of MFCs for practical applications in wastewater treatment and energy recovery. 5.2 Integration of MFCs with existing wastewater treatment infrastructure The integration of MFCs with existing wastewater treatment processes has been a key area of research to enhance treatment efficiency and energy recovery. Hybrid systems combining MFCs with anaerobic treatment processes (AnTPs) and MBRs have shown synergistic effects, improving energy conversion efficiency and reducing membrane fouling. For instance, a two-stage MFC-MBR system demonstrated improved chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and reduced transmembrane pressure (Figure 1), highlighting the potential of MFCs as biosensors for process control. Additionally, the integration of MFCs with forward osmosis membranes has been explored to enhance bio-electricity production and water recovery, further demonstrating the versatility of MFCs in various treatment configurations (Liu et al., 2017). These integrated systems not only improve wastewater treatment efficiency but also contribute to sustainable energy recovery, making them a viable option for modern wastewater treatment facilities. Figure 1 Calculation of COD removal based on single exponential regression (MER) and Michaelis-Menten equation (Adopted from Yamane et al., 2021) Image caption: Caption: Figure (A) compares the COD reductions for MFC and non-reactors calculated using MER. The CRR in the MFC reactor is shown in Figure (B), the CRR in the non-reactor is shown in Figure (C), and Figure D shows three different model calculations of COD in the MFC reactor under each HRT (Adopted from Yamane et al., 2021)