
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 186-196 187 Fetured Review Open Access Energy Recovery Applications of Microbial Fuel Cells in Wastewater Treatment ManmanLi Hainan Institute of Biotechnology, Haikou, 570206, Hainan, China Corresponding email: Journal of Energy Bioscience, 2024, Vol.15, No.3 doi: 10.5376/jeb.2024.15.0018 Received: 13 Apr., 2024 Accepted: 19 May., 2024 Published: 02 Jun., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Li, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Li M.M., 2024, Energy recovery applications of microbial fuel cells in wastewater treatment, Journal of Energy Bioscience, 15(3): 186-196 (doi: 10.5376/jeb.2024.15.0018) Abstract Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a potential technology that combines pollution reduction and renewable energy generation in wastewater treatment. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology, as an innovative solution for achieving pollutant degradation and renewable energy production in wastewater treatment, has received widespread attention in recent years. This study explores the principles, mechanisms, and applications of MFC in wastewater treatment. Through case studies of industrial wastewater, the practical application and energy recovery potential of MFC are demonstrated, and its performance is compared with traditional methods. By optimizing and promoting MFC technology, this study expects to improve the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment, achieve environmental sustainability, and provide policy support recommendations. Keywords Microbial fuel cells; Wastewater treatment; Energy recovery; Bioelectrochemical pathways; Environmental sustainability 1 Introduction Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) represent an innovative bio-electrochemical system that leverages the metabolic processes of microorganisms to convert organic substrates directly into electrical energy. This technology has garnered significant attention due to its dual capability of treating wastewater while simultaneously generating electricity. MFCs operate by utilizing electroactive bacteria that oxidize organic matter in the anode chamber, releasing electrons and protons. The electrons travel through an external circuit to the cathode, generating an electric current, while the protons migrate through a proton exchange membrane to combine with oxygen at the cathode, forming water (Pant et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2021). The versatility of MFCs allows them to treat various types of wastewater, including domestic, municipal, agricultural, and industrial effluents, making them a promising solution for sustainable energy production and environmental remediation (Liu et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2019). Wastewater treatment is traditionally an energy-intensive process, often requiring substantial amounts of electricity for aeration, pumping, and other operations. The integration of energy recovery systems, such as MFCs, into wastewater treatment processes can significantly reduce the overall energy footprint and operational costs. By converting the chemical energy stored in organic pollutants into electrical energy, MFCs not only enhance the efficiency of wastewater treatment but also contribute to renewable energy generation. This dual benefit is particularly crucial in the context of increasing energy demands and the need for sustainable waste management practices (Du et al., 2007; Munoz-Cupa et al., 2021). Moreover, the ability of MFCs to recover valuable resources, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, further underscores their potential in creating a circular economy within the wastewater treatment sector (Srikanth et al., 2016). The study is to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of MFC technology, with a particular focus on its applications in energy recovery during wastewater treatment. This includes an analysis of the various configurations and operational conditions that influence MFC performance, the types of substrates used, and the challenges and opportunities associated with scaling up this technology for real-world applications. By synthesizing findings from recent studies, this study aims to highlight the advancements made in MFC research and enhance the efficiency and feasibility of MFCs in sustainable wastewater treatment and energy recovery.