
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 171-185 182 with the need to address environmental and safety concerns associated with large-scale microalgae cultivation and genetic modification. Continued advocacy and collaboration among industry stakeholders, researchers, and policymakers are essential to create a supportive environment for the growth of the microalgae biodiesel sector (Veza et al., 2021). 10 Concluding Remarks The production of biodiesel from marine microalgae offers several advantages, including high lipid content, rapid growth rates, and the ability to thrive in non-arable land and saline water. Key findings indicate that genetic engineering can significantly enhance lipid production by modifying metabolic pathways, making species like Nannochloropsis and Chlorella more efficient for biodiesel production. Innovations in cultivation technologies, such as advanced photobioreactors and automated systems, have improved the efficiency and scalability of microalgae cultivation. However, high production costs and energy consumption remain significant barriers. The economic analysis shows that although microalgae biodiesel production is feasible, further cost reductions and technological advancements are necessary for it to become competitive with fossil fuels. To advance the commercial viability of microalgae biodiesel, industry and policymakers should focus on several key areas. First, increased funding and incentives for research and development are essential to drive technological innovations in genetic engineering and cultivation technologies. Policies that support the integration of microalgae cultivation with wastewater treatment and carbon capture can enhance sustainability and reduce costs. Furthermore, establishing standardized regulations and guidelines for the cultivation and processing of genetically modified microalgae will ensure environmental safety and public acceptance. Collaboration between academic institutions, industry, and government can facilitate the development of scalable, cost-effective production systems. Lastly, international cooperation and the sharing of best practices will be crucial for the global development of the microalgae biodiesel sector. Marine microalgae hold significant promise as a sustainable and efficient source of biodiesel. The future of this technology lies in overcoming current economic and technical challenges through continuous innovation and supportive policy frameworks. With advances in genetic engineering and cultivation technologies, microalgae can potentially become a cornerstone of the biofuel industry, contributing to energy security and environmental sustainability. The integration of microalgae cultivation with wastewater treatment and carbon sequestration further enhances its appeal as a green technology. As research progresses and production costs decrease, the widespread adoption of microalgae-based biodiesel could play a critical role in transitioning to a more sustainable energy future. Acknowledgments We appreciate the feedback from two anonymous peer reviewers on the manuscript of this study, whose careful evaluation and constructive suggestions have contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Arias D.M., Solé-Bundó M., Garfí M., Ferrer I., García J., and Uggetti E., 2018, Integrating microalgae tertiary treatment into activated sludge systems for energy and nutrients recovery from wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 247: 513-519. Arroussi H., Benhima R., El Mernissi N., Bouhfid R., Tilsaghani C., Bennis I., and Wahby I., 2017, Screening of marine microalgae strains from Moroccan coasts for biodiesel production, Renewable Energy, 113: 1515-1522. Atmanli A., 2020, Experimental comparison of biodiesel production performance of two different microalgae, Fuel, 278: 118311.