
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 147-159 157 enough biomethane to power local agricultural machinery and significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The study also underscores the importance of a holistic assessment of energy recovery pathways to maximize net energy gain and minimize life-cycle emissions. The findings from this study have several implications for policy and practice. Policymakers should consider creating supportive frameworks and incentives to promote the use of agricultural waste for energy production. This includes implementing competitive conditions for renewable energy production, as seen in Ukraine, and integrating GHG taxes or life cycle emissions-based performance standards to optimize biomass resource utilization. Additionally, there is a need for comprehensive management strategies that address the entire supply chain of agricultural waste, from collection to conversion, to ensure efficient and sustainable energy production. The transition to renewable energy from agricultural waste also requires investment in technology and infrastructure to support biogas plants and other conversion facilities. The transition from traditional waste management to energy production using agricultural waste represents a significant step towards achieving energy sustainability and reducing environmental impact. The studyed literature demonstrates that agricultural waste is not merely a disposal problem but a valuable resource for renewable energy generation. By adopting integrated and systemic approaches to waste valorization, it is possible to create a circular bioeconomy that not only addresses waste management challenges but also contributes to energy security and climate change mitigation. The successful implementation of such strategies requires coordinated efforts from governments, industry stakeholders, and the scientific community to develop and deploy effective technologies and policies that support the sustainable use of agricultural waste for energy production. Acknowledgments I appreciate the feedback from two anonymous peer reviewers on the manuscript of this study, whose careful evaluation and constructive suggestions have contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ajay C., Mohan S., and Dinesha P., 2021, Decentralized energy from portable biogas digesters using domestic kitchen waste: a review, Waste management, 125: 10-26. Andreenko T., Kiseleva S., and Rafikova Y., 2022, Agricultural waste from crop production as an energy resource, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 5: 1116. Bhatt A., Bhatia R., Thakur S., Rana N., Sharma V., and Rathour R., 2018, Fuel from waste: a review on scientific solution for waste management and environment conservation, Environmental Science, 8: 205-233. Bijarchiyan M., Sahebi H., and Mirzamohammadi S., 2020, A sustainable biomass network design model for bioenergy production by anaerobic digestion technology: using agricultural residues and livestock manure, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 10: 1-17. Bong C., Lim L., Lee C., Klemeš J., Ho C., and Ho W., 2018, The characterisation and treatment of food waste for improvement of biogas production during anaerobic digestion-A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 1545-1558. Caruso M., Braghieri A., Capece A., Napolitano F., Romano P., Galgano F., Altieri G., and Genovese F., 2019, Recent updates on the use of agro-food waste for biogas production, Applied Sciences, 33: 1217. Chew K., Leong H., Khoo K., Vo D., Anjum H., Chang C., and Show P., 2021, Effects of anaerobic digestion of food waste on biogas production and environmental impacts: a review, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 19: 2921-2939.