
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 147-159 156 Figure 3 Structure of the sustainable BSCN for bioenergy generation through anaerobic digestion process (Adopted from Bijarchiyan et al., 2020) Image capton: The processing of agricultural waste, cow dung and chicken manure. The waste is first stored in a warehouse and then processed through anaerobic digestion and combined heat and power (CHP) process to generate electricity. The generated electricity is fed into the grid or exported (Adopted from Bijarchiyan et al., 2020) 8.3 Policy recommendations for promoting sustainable energy utilization of agricultural waste To promote the sustainable energy utilization of agricultural waste, several policy recommendations can be made. Firstly, governments should provide financial incentives and subsidies to support the development and deployment of advanced waste-to-energy technologies. This can include tax credits, grants, and low-interest loans for projects that demonstrate significant environmental and economic benefits. Secondly, policies should encourage the integration of agricultural waste-to-energy systems with other renewable energy sources to create a more diversified and resilient energy mix (Bijarchiyan et al., 2020). Thirdly, regulations should be established to ensure the safe and sustainable management of agricultural waste, including guidelines for the treatment and reuse of AD effluent and other by-products. Finally, international collaboration and knowledge sharing should be promoted to accelerate the adoption of best practices and innovative technologies in the field of agricultural waste-to-energy conversion (Wei et al., 2020). 8.4 Potential areas for future research and development Several potential areas for future research and development in the field of agricultural waste-to-energy conversion can be identified. One key area is the optimization of existing technologies to improve their efficiency and scalability. This includes enhancing the performance of AD processes, developing more efficient thermocatalytic reforming methods, and exploring new pathways for biohydrogen production. Another important area is the investigation of the environmental and economic impacts of different waste-to-energy conversion pathways through comprehensive life-cycle assessments (Liu and Rajagopal, 2019). Additionally, research should focus on the development of integrated systems that combine multiple renewable energy sources and waste-to-energy technologies to maximize resource utilization and minimize environmental impacts. Finally, there is a need for interdisciplinary research that addresses the social, economic, and policy dimensions of agricultural waste-to-energy conversion to ensure its sustainable and equitable implementation (Tokarchuk, 2018). By addressing these future prospects and research directions, the field of agricultural waste-to-energy conversion can make significant strides towards achieving sustainable energy production and waste management. 9 Concluding Remarks The systematic study of the literature on the energy utilization of agricultural waste reveals several critical insights. Firstly, agricultural waste, including crop residues, livestock manure, and agro-industrial by-products, holds significant potential for biogas and biofuel production, which can substantially reduce energy dependence and greenhouse gas emissions. The studies highlight the growing trend of utilizing agricultural waste for renewable energy, with notable examples from countries like Germany, Denmark, and Ukraine, which have implemented successful models for biogas production from agricultural waste. Additionally, the potential energy yield from agricultural waste is substantial, with estimates indicating that regions like Piedmont in Italy could produce