
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 147-159 153 assessments to evaluate the global climate, human health, and ecotoxicity implications of WtE technologies. Theoretical analyses and case studies of commercial plants are essential for developing sustainable technologies that balance energy production with environmental protection. 5.2.2 Technological implementation The most commonly used process for pyrolysis in these projects is rotary pyrolysis, which provides efficient heat transfer with relatively low energy consumption. Temperature control is crucial, as intermediate temperatures typically yield the maximum amount of bio-oil. Emission control systems are also integrated to ensure the process is environmentally friendly (Hasan et al., 2021). 5.2.3 Outcomes and scalability The outcomes of pyrolysis projects in Asia have been promising, with significant yields of bio-oil, biochar, and syngas. These projects have demonstrated the potential for scalability, provided that challenges such as waste heterogeneity and syngas purification are addressed. The integration of emission control systems and optimization of process parameters are essential for scaling up these projects (Vovk, 2022). 5.3 Case study 3: gasification of agro-industrial waste in North America 5.3.1 Project overview Gasification of agro-industrial waste is being explored in North America as a sustainable waste-to-energy (WtE) solution. These projects aim to convert waste into syngas, which can be used for energy production. The focus is on improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental loadings through advanced gasification technologies (Meggyes and Nagy, 2012). 5.3.2 Technology and processes used The gasification process involves the thermal conversion of waste into syngas, which can then be used in various energy applications. Technologies such as gas turbines and combined cycles are employed to enhance energy efficiency. Syngas cleaning is a critical step to ensure the quality of the gas and reduce emissions. 5.3.3 Impact assessment and future prospects The impact of gasification projects in North America has been positive, with significant improvements in energy efficiency and reductions in fossil-based energy consumption. Future prospects for these projects are promising, provided that advancements in syngas purification and waste quality management are achieved. The scalability of these projects will depend on continuous technological improvements and effective management of residues. 6 Economic Analysis and Market Potential 6.1 Cost-benefit analysis of different energy production technologies The economic viability of energy production from agricultural waste is a critical factor in its adoption. Various technologies such as anaerobic digestion, gasification, and incineration have been evaluated for their cost-effectiveness. For instance, a study on an integrated multi-generation power plant using agricultural waste in Nigeria demonstrated a life cycle cost of $3.753 million, a breakeven point of 7.5 years, and a unit energy cost of $0.0109 per kWh, highlighting the economic feasibility of such projects (Ogorure et al., 2018). Additionally, the techno-economic model developed for China's iron and steel industry showed that practical potential for energy savings is less than 20% when considering technical implementation rates, emphasizing the need for efficient technology deployment (Zhang et al., 2017). 6.2 Market trends and potential for energy products derived from agricultural waste The market for energy products derived from agricultural waste is expanding, driven by the need for sustainable energy solutions and waste management. In India, the valorization of agricultural waste for biogas production is gaining traction, supported by government initiatives and policy regulations (Kapoor et al., 2020). Similarly, the global trend towards renewable energy is evident in the increasing installed capacities for bioenergy, including waste-to-energy technologies. The potential for biogas production from agricultural waste in Ukraine is significant, with current capacities producing about 25 MW of energy, indicating a growing market for bioenergy (Tokarchuk, 2018).