
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 147-159 152 of waste (Figure 2). Pyrolysis technology is seen as a revolutionary and straightforward process for converting waste into valuable products like bio-oil, biochar, and syngas (Dong et al., 2018). Figure 1 Waste-to-energy technologies flowchart (Adopted from Sobczak et al., 2022) Image capton: Different colored lines in the chart represent the price changes of various fertilizers: the blue line represents the price changes of diammonium phosphate, the orange line represents the price changes of urea, the gray line represents the price changes of NPK compound fertilizer, and the yellow line represents the price changes of phosphate rock. Both diammonium phosphate and urea prices saw a significant increase after 2020, while the price of NPK compound fertilizer remained relatively stable, and the price change of phosphate rock was relatively minor (Adopted from Sobczak et al., 2022) Figure 2 Waste-to-energy technologies flowchart (Adopted from Dong et al., 2018) Image capton: Incineration: Generates heat; Pyrolysis and Gasification: Produce syngas, tar, and char. In the product utilization stage: Heat: Is used to generate electricity through a steam turbine. Syngas, Tar, and Char: Are used to generate electricity through gas turbines/combined cycle or internal combustion engines (Adopted from Dong et al., 2018) Dong et al. (2018) found that waste-to-energy (WtE) technologies offer a comprehensive approach to managing municipal solid waste (MSW) while generating valuable energy products. Their study emphasizes the significance of pre-treatment processes, such as drying, to optimize the efficiency of subsequent thermal conversion methods, including incineration, pyrolysis, and gasification. Each method produces different energy carriers: heat, syngas, tar, and char, which can be utilized through various technologies like steam turbines, gas turbines, and internal combustion engines. The research highlights the importance of managing by-products, such as ash and APC residues, to minimize environmental impact. Additionally, the study underscores the need for lifecycle