
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 135-146 142 Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Acknowledgments This paper benefits from the review and suggestions provided by Dr. Fang Xuanjun, for which I am deeply grateful. I also extend my sincere thanks to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their questions and recommendations. References Aznar A., Chalvin C., Shih P.M., Maimann M., Ebert B., Birdseye, D. S., Loqué D., and Scheller H.V., 2018, Gene stacking of multiple traits for high yield of fermentable sugars in plant biomass, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11: 2 PMid:29321811 PMCid:PMC5759196 Bart R., and Taylor N., 2017, New opportunities and challenges to engineer disease resistance in cassava, a staple food of African small-holder farmers, PLoS Pathogens, 13(5): e1006287. PMid:28493983 PMCid:PMC5426740 Bartley L.E., Peck M.L., Kim S.R., Ebert B., Manisseri C., Chiniquy D.M., Sykes R., Gao L.F., Rautengarten C., Vega-Sánchez M.E., Benke P.I., Canlas P.E., Cao P.J., Brewer S., Lin F., Smith W.L., Zhang X.H., Keasling J.D., Jentoff R.E., Foster S.B., Zhou J.Z., Ziebell A., An G., Scheller H.V., and Ronald P.C., 2013, Overexpression of a BAHD acyltransferase, OsAt10, alters rice cell wall hydroxycinnamic acid content and saccharification, Plant Physiology, 161(4): 1615-1633. PMid:23391577 PMCid:PMC3613443 Biswal A.K., Atmodjo M.A., Li M., Baxter H. L., Yoo C.G., Pu Y.Q., Lee Y.C., Mazarei M., Black I.M., Zhang J.Y., Ramanna H., Bray A.L., King Z.R., LaFayette P.R., Pattathil S., Donohoe B.S., Mohanty S.S., Ryno D., Yee K., Thompson O.A., Rodriguez Jr. M., Dumitrache A., Natzke J., Winkeler K., Collins C., Yang X.H., Tan L., Sykes R.W., Gjersing E.L., Ziebell A., Turner G.B., Decker S.R., Hahn M.G., Davison B.H., Udvardi M.K., Mielenz J.R., Davis M.F., Nelson R.S., Parrott W.A., Ragauskas A., Jr C.N.S., and Mohen D., 2018, Sugar release and growth of biofuel crops are improved by downregulation of pectin biosynthesis, Nature Biotechnology, 36: 249-257. PMid:29431741 Brandon A.G., Birdseye D.S., and Scheller H.V., 2019, A dominant negative approach to reduce xylan in plants. Plant Biotechnol. J., 18(1): 5-7. PMid:31237006 PMCid:PMC6920186 Brandon A., and Scheller H., 2020, Engineering of bioenergy crops: dominant genetic approaches to improve polysaccharide properties and composition in biomass, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 519455. PMid:32218797 PMCid:PMC7078332 Brunecky R., Selig M.J., Vinzant T.B., Himmel M.E., Lee D., Blaylock M.J., and Dercker S.R., 2011, In planta expression of A. cellulolyticus Cel5A endocellulase reduces cell wall recalcitrance in tobacco and maize, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 4: 1. PMid:21269444 PMCid:PMC3037329 Cai Y.H., Liang Z.X., Li S., Zhu M.J., Wu Z.Q., Yang S.T., and Wang J.F., 2012. Bioethanol from fermentation of cassava pulp in a fibrous-bed bioreactor using immobilized Δldh, a genetically engineered Thermoanaerobacterium aotearoense. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 17: 1270-1277. Chauhan R.D., Beyene G., Kalyaeva M., Fauquet C.M., and Taylor N., 2015, Improvements in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) for large-scale production of transgenic plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 121: 591-603. Coleman H.D., Yan J., and Mansfield S.D., 2009, Sucrose synthase affects carbon partitioning to increase cellulose production and altered cell wall ultrastructure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106(31): 13118-13123. PMid:19625620 PMCid:PMC2722352 de Buanafina M.M.O., Langdon T., Hauck B., Dalton S., and Morris P., 2008, Expression of a fungal ferulic acid esterase increases cell wall digestibility of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), Plant Biotechnol. J., 6: 264-280. PMid:18086237