
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 108-117 115 and increased crop yields to supply biomass for biofuel production (Grosso et al., 2014). Third, the development of novel technologies to enhance the efficiency and scalability of biofuel production processes is crucial (Ambaye et al., 2021). Additionally, studies should investigate the long-term impacts of climate change on the distribution and productivity of biofuel crops, particularly in regions with high potential for industrial cultivation. Finally, a comprehensive assessment of the economic, environmental, and social implications of biofuel production from agricultural residues and other biomass sources is necessary to inform policy and practice (Guddaraddi et al., 2023). By addressing these emerging trends, innovations, policy recommendations, and potential research areas, the future of biofuel production from agricultural sources can be significantly optimized, contributing to a sustainable energy future. 9 Concluding Remarks This study has explored various agricultural sources of biofuels, focusing on the selection and optimization of energy crops such as maize, switchgrass, and Miscanthus. Key findings indicate that Miscanthus and switchgrass are promising alternatives to maize due to their higher biomass yield and lower environmental impact. Miscanthus, in particular, has shown superior biofuel production capacity and resource use efficiency, requiring significantly less land and water compared to maize. Additionally, perennial grasses like Miscanthus and switchgrass have demonstrated potential for improving the sustainability of biogas production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The findings of this study have significant implications for the biofuel industry and the pursuit of sustainable energy. The adoption of Miscanthus and switchgrass as primary biofuel crops could lead to substantial environmental benefits, including reduced land and water usage, lower nitrogen leaching, and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. These crops also offer the potential for ecological remediation and the reclamation of polluted soils, further enhancing their value as sustainable energy sources. The biofuel industry should consider investing in the development and large-scale cultivation of these perennial grasses to meet renewable energy targets more sustainably. The transition to Miscanthus and switchgrass as primary biofuel crops presents a viable pathway towards more sustainable biofuel production. Future research should focus on optimizing the genetic improvement and breeding of these crops to enhance their yield and resilience. Additionally, advancements in biofuel conversion technologies are necessary to maximize the efficiency of these feedstocks. Policymakers and industry stakeholders should prioritize the integration of these perennial grasses into existing agricultural systems to achieve long-term sustainability goals in the biofuel sector. Acknowledgments The author appreciates the feedback from two anonymous peer reviewers on the manuscript of this study, whose careful evaluation and constructive suggestions have contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Abreu M., Silva L., Ribeiro B., Ferreira A., Alves L., Paixão S., Gouveia L., Moura P., Carvalheiro F., Duarte L., Fernando A., Reis A., and Girio F., 2022, Low indirect land use change (ILUC) energy crops to bioenergy and biofuels—a review, Energies, 15(12): 4348. Ambaye T., Vaccari M., Bonilla-Petriciolet A., Prasad S., Hullebusch E., and Rtimi S., 2021, Emerging technologies for biofuel production: A critical review on recent progress, challenges and perspectives, Journal of environmental management, 290: 112627. Blanco-Canqui H., 2010, Energy crops and their implications on soil and environment, Agronomy Journal, 102: 403-419.