
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 96-107 104 Furthermore, advancements in photobioreactor design and the development of efficient hydrolysis and fermentation processes can significantly enhance the yield and efficiency of bioethanol production from microalgae (Chen et al., 2011; Ho et al., 2013). In conclusion, addressing the technical and economic challenges, aligning policy and regulatory frameworks, and focusing on innovative research directions are essential for realizing the full potential of microalgae in bioethanol production. With continued efforts and advancements in these areas, microalgae-based bioethanol can become a viable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. 9 Concluding Remarks Microalgae have demonstrated significant potential as a sustainable source for bioethanol production. Various studies have highlighted the advantages of microalgae, including their high photosynthetic efficiency, rapid growth rates, and ability to grow in non-arable land using brackish water, which reduces competition with food crops. The integration of microalgae cultivation with biorefinery approaches has been shown to enhance the economic viability of biofuel production by enabling the extraction of valuable co-products such as lipids, proteins, and other bioactive compounds. Additionally, stress-induced cultivation strategies and two-stage cultivation methods have been identified as effective means to boost the production of biofuel compounds, although these methods may impact overall biomass yield. The findings from these studies suggest that microalgae could play a crucial role in the future of the bioethanol industry. The ability of microalgae to capture carbon dioxide during cultivation and convert it into biofuels and other valuable products presents a dual benefit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing a renewable energy source. The co-production of bioethanol and biodiesel from microalgae, as demonstrated in studies using psychrophilic microalgae, further underscores the potential for microalgae to contribute to a diversified biofuel portfolio. However, challenges such as high energy costs associated with cultivation, harvesting, and processing need to be addressed to achieve commercial viability. Microalgae offer a promising and sustainable alternative to traditional biofuel sources. Their ability to grow in diverse environments, coupled with the potential for high-value co-product extraction, makes them an attractive option for bioethanol production. The development of optimized cultivation and processing techniques, along with integrated biorefinery approaches, will be essential to overcoming current economic and technical barriers. As research continues to advance, microalgae could become a cornerstone of sustainable biofuel production, contributing to energy security and environmental sustainability. Acknowledgments We appreciate the feedback from two anonymous peer reviewers on the manuscript of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Adesanya V., Cadena E., Scott S., and Smith A., 2014, Life cycle assessment on microalgal biodiesel production using a hybrid cultivation system, Bioresource Technology, 163: 343-355. Aitken D., Bulboa C., Godoy-Faúndez A., Turrion-Gomez J., and Antízar-Ladislao B., 2014, Life cycle assessment of macroalgae cultivation and processing for biofuel production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 75: 45-56. Arcigni F., Friso R., Collu M., and Venturini M., 2019, Harmonized and systematic assessment of microalgae energy potential for biodiesel production, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 101: 614-624.