
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 72-84 82 8.3 Strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of rapeseed biodiesel Expanding the market for rapeseed biodiesel by exploring new uses and applications can enhance its competitiveness. Developing co-products such as animal feed from the by-products of biodiesel production can add economic value Optimizing cultivation practices to increase rapeseed yields while reducing environmental impacts can make biodiesel production more sustainable. Utilizing advanced breeding techniques to develop high-yield and resilient rapeseed varieties can also contribute to improved productivity (MacAlister et al., 2020). Investing in research and development to innovate biodiesel production technologies can lead to cost reductions and efficiency improvements. Exploring alternative feedstocks and enhancing the enzymatic and chemical processes involved can make production more viable (Tanner et al., 2023). Streamlining the supply chain from cultivation to final biodiesel production can reduce costs and increase efficiency. Improving logistics and distribution networks can ensure a stable supply of raw materials and efficient delivery of the final product (Chen and Chen, 2011). 9 Concluding Remarks The systematic review on the application and development prospects of rapeseed oil in biodiesel production has highlighted several significant findings. Firstly, rapeseed oil has been identified as a highly viable feedstock for biodiesel production due to its high oil yield and favorable cultivation conditions, particularly in regions like southern China and Iran. The transesterification process, which converts rapeseed oil into biodiesel, has been optimized through various methods, including ultrasonic-assisted techniques, which have shown to increase the efficiency and yield of biodiesel production. Additionally, innovative methods such as producing biodiesel directly from rapeseeds without the need for catalysts have been developed, offering more environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives. The future of rapeseed oil in biodiesel production appears promising. The advancements in production techniques, such as the optimization of the transesterification process and the development of single-step production methods, indicate a trend towards more efficient and sustainable biodiesel production. Furthermore, the environmental benefits of using rapeseed oil, including the reduction of cadmium pollution in agricultural fields, add to its appeal as a renewable energy source. As the demand for eco-friendly and renewable energy sources continues to grow, rapeseed oil is well-positioned to play a crucial role in the biodiesel industry. To fully realize the potential of rapeseed oil in biodiesel production, concerted efforts from researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders are essential. Researchers should continue to explore and refine production techniques to enhance efficiency and sustainability. Policymakers need to support these efforts by providing funding for research and development, as well as creating favorable regulatory frameworks that encourage the adoption of biodiesel. Industry stakeholders should invest in the latest technologies and practices to scale up production and reduce environmental impact. By working together, these groups can help ensure that rapeseed oil becomes a cornerstone of the biodiesel industry, contributing to a more sustainable and energy-secure future. Acknowledgments Sincere thanks to every peer reviewer for their detailed review and valuable guidance on the initial draft of this article. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.