
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 72-84 79 6.2 Comparative analysis of rapeseed biodiesel adoption in different regions The adoption of rapeseed biodiesel varies significantly across different regions due to differences in technological approaches and regulatory frameworks. In Europe, the focus has been on hydroprocessing techniques, which produce biodiesel that closely resembles conventional diesel in terms of chemical composition and performance. This method has been particularly successful in countries like Germany and France, where there is strong governmental support for renewable energy initiatives (Šimáček et al., 2009). In contrast, Canada has primarily adopted the alkaline-catalyzed transesterification method. This approach is more cost-effective and easier to implement on a smaller scale, making it suitable for local biodiesel production facilities. The Canadian biodiesel industry has benefited from government incentives and subsidies, which have encouraged the adoption of biodiesel as a sustainable fuel alternative (Rashid and Anwar, 2008). 6.3 Lessons learned from global case studies Several lessons can be drawn from the global case studies on rapeseed biodiesel production. Firstly, the choice of production method significantly impacts the quality and yield of the biodiesel. Hydroprocessing, as seen in Europe, produces a high-quality biodiesel that is almost identical to conventional diesel, making it easier to integrate into existing fuel infrastructure (Šimáček et al., 2009). On the other hand, the alkaline-catalyzed transesterification method used in Canada is more accessible and cost-effective, though it may require more stringent quality control measures to meet international standards (Rashid and Anwar, 2008). Governmental support and regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in the successful adoption of rapeseed biodiesel. Regions with strong policies promoting renewable energy and providing financial incentives for biodiesel production have seen higher adoption rates and more successful implementations. This highlights the importance of policy in driving the transition to sustainable energy sources. The environmental benefits of rapeseed biodiesel, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and lower pollution levels, are significant. These benefits, combined with the economic advantages of using locally produced biodiesel, make rapeseed oil a promising resource for sustainable energy production globally. 7 Future Prospects and Innovations 7.1 Emerging technologies and innovations in rapeseed biodiesel production Recent advancements in rapeseed biodiesel production have focused on optimizing the efficiency and environmental impact of the process. One notable innovation is the use of ultrasonic-assisted biodiesel production, which has been shown to significantly increase the yield of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) under optimized conditions (Almasi et al., 2019). Additionally, the application of enzyme catalysts in in situ transesterification processes has demonstrated high efficiency in converting low-quality rapeseed oil into biodiesel, reducing the need for separate extraction and transesterification steps (Figure 2) (Santaraite et al., 2020). These technologies not only enhance the biodiesel yield but also reduce energy consumption and environmental pollutants. Santaraite et al. (2020) studied the effect of enzyme (Lipozyme TL IM) concentration on the degree of transesterification and triglyceride content in biodiesel under the conditions of an oil-to-ethanol molar ratio of 1:5, a reaction time of 7 hours, and a reaction temperature of 30 ℃. As the enzyme concentration increased, the degree of transesterification significantly improved, reaching nearly 100% at an enzyme concentration of 4%. Simultaneously, the contents of monoglycerides, diglycerides, and triglycerides significantly decreased at this concentration, indicating a highly efficient transesterification reaction. When the enzyme concentration was further increased to 5% and 6%, the degree of transesterification remained stable at a high level, and the triglyceride content approached zero. This indicates that Lipozyme TL IM, as an enzyme catalyst, can efficiently catalyze the transesterification reaction at relatively low concentrations, thereby improving the purity and quality of biodiesel. This study highlights the efficiency and potential application value of enzyme catalysts in biodiesel production.