
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 72-84 77 multiple steps, including cultivation, oil extraction, and transesterification, each contributing to the overall cost (Raman et al., 2011; Tanner et al., 2023).Studies have shown that the use of straight vegetable oil (SVO) from rapeseed as a biofuel can be economically beneficial under specific circumstances. For example, a self-supply farming model using rapeseed as its fuel base can help reduce farmers' vulnerability to fluctuating fossil fuel prices and provide clear economic benefits (Baquero et al., 2011). However, the profitability of rapeseed biodiesel production can be affected by factors such as diesel fuel prices, diesel fuel grants, and crop aids. The environmental benefits of rapeseed biodiesel, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and lower dependence on nonrenewable energy sources, also contribute to its economic viability. A life cycle assessment of rapeseed-derived biodiesel showed significant reductions in nonrenewable energy dependence and greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional diesel (González-García et al., 2012). These environmental advantages can translate into economic benefits through carbon credits and other environmental incentives. Moreover, the byproducts of rapeseed biodiesel production, such as rapeseed pellets, can be utilized as renewable energy sources, further improving the economic balance of biodiesel production (Klugmann-Radziemska and Ciunel, 2013). The efficient use of these byproducts can enhance the overall profitability of rapeseed biodiesel production. 5 Environmental and Sustainability Aspects 5.1 Environmental benefits of rapeseed biodiesel over fossil fuels Rapeseed biodiesel offers significant environmental benefits over traditional fossil fuels. One of the primary advantages is the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For instance, a comprehensive real-time Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study conducted in Denmark demonstrated that the climate change potential from the production and use of rapeseed biodiesel is 57 kg CO2-eq per 1,000 km, compared to 214 kg CO2-eq per 1,000 km for petrochemical diesel (Herrmann et al., 2013). This substantial reduction in CO2 emissions highlights the potential of rapeseed biodiesel to mitigate climate change. Additionally, the use of rapeseed biodiesel can decrease nonrenewable energy dependence. A study assessing the environmental life cycle of rapeseed-derived biodiesel in Spain found that using B100 biodiesel instead of conventional diesel could reduce nonrenewable energy demand by 20% (González-García et al., 2012). This shift not only supports energy security but also promotes the use of renewable energy sources. 5.2 Life cycle assessment (LCA) of rapeseed biodiesel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a crucial tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of rapeseed biodiesel from production to end-use. The Danish LCA study included all relevant process stages, such as rapeseed production, carbon sequestration, N2O balances, and transportation of products used in the life cycle of biodiesel (Herrmann et al., 2013). The study identified several areas for environmental improvement, such as the increased use of residual straw from rapeseed fields for combustion in power plants and the transition from conventional to enzymatic transesterification processes using bioethanol instead of petrochemical methanol. Similarly, the Spanish LCA study covered the entire life cycle from crude rapeseed oil production to biodiesel storage, focusing on seven impact categories: abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, global warming, ozone layer depletion, land competition, and photochemical oxidant formation (González-García et al., 2012). The study revealed that rapeseed cultivation is a significant environmental concern due to the high fertilizer doses and intensive agricultural practices required. However, the well-to-wheels comparison indicated that rapeseed biodiesel could reduce GHG emissions by 74% and ozone layer depletion by 44% compared to conventional diesel, despite potential increases in acidification, eutrophication, and photochemical smog (González-García et al., 2012). 5.3 Impact on greenhouse gas emissions The production and use of rapeseed oil biodiesel have significant implications for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Several studies have demonstrated that biodiesel derived from rapeseed oil can substantially reduce