
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 5 Compared with traditional petroleum fuels, biomass energy combustion produces lower emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, which helps to improve air quality and reduce air pollution. Biomass energy can be obtained from various sources, including agricultural waste, forestry waste, biomass waste, and specially grown energy crops. The diversity reduces supply risk and helps ensure supply stability. Many biomass energy production technologies are already very mature and widely applied in other fields. It means that the maritime industry, which is shifting towards biomass energy, can fully utilize existing technology and experience. Although the production and processing costs of biomass energy may vary depending on materials and technologies, relatively stable price trends can help shipping companies better manage and predict operating costs. In addition, the use of biomass energy may qualify for environmental subsidies, further reducing costs. With the increasing attention of the international community to environmental protection, some countries and international organizations have formulated regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The use of biomass energy helps shipping companies comply with these regulations, reducing potential fines and reputational damage caused by environmental issues. 3.2 Feasibility and applicability The application of biomass energy in the maritime industry not only has potential, but also needs to consider its feasibility and applicability. These two aspects are crucial for deciding whether to adopt biomass energy. The technological applicability of biomass energy is a key factor in its application in the maritime industry. At present, various biomass energy technologies suitable for ships have been developed, including liquid biomass fuel and biomass gas fuel. These technologies have made significant progress in fuel supply, storage, and processing, providing feasible options for shipping companies. The adaptability of ships is another key factor. Some ships have been retrofitted to adapt to the use of biomass energy. This may include modifications to the engine and fuel system to ensure that it can operate on the basis of biomass energy. Some newly built ships can be directly designed to use biomass energy in addition. The feasibility of biomass energy supply chain is crucial. It includes ensuring sufficient biomass energy supply to meet the needs of shipping companies and establishing a stable supply system. Some countries and regions have established biomass energy supply infrastructure, providing reliable sources of supply for shipping companies (Jia et al., 2015). The cost-effectiveness of using biomass energy is an important factor that shipping companies consider. Although the production and processing costs of biomass energy may vary, relatively stable price trends and possible environmental subsidies can help reduce operating costs and improve feasibility. The use of biomass energy may bring environmental benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality, which is very attractive for meeting international and domestic environmental regulations and improving the company's reputation. 3.3 The practice of biomass energy in the maritime industry Although the application of biomass energy in the maritime industry is still in its relatively early stages, there have been some important projects and application opportunities that have emerged, laying the foundation for future development. These existing biomass energy maritime projects and application opportunities demonstrate the enormous potential of biomass energy in the maritime industry and provide feasible avenues for achieving more environmentally friendly shipping. Some shipping companies have already used biomass natural gas as fuel for their ships. Biomass natural gas is a renewable, low-carbon fuel that is converted from organic waste such as agricultural and food waste. This measure aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships and provide shipping companies with more environmentally friendly energy options (Figure 2). On the other hand, some ships are already equipped with biomass energy generation equipment to meet electricity demand. These devices use various biomass resources,