
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 4 Although the shipping industry is crucial to the global economy, it also faces challenges in terms of environment and sustainability. The greenhouse gases and pollutants emitted by ships have raised environmental concerns, prompting the international community to take measures to reduce ship emissions. The global sulfur restrictions imposed by the IMO, which mandate the use of cleaner fuels, are an important measure. The current situation of the maritime industry is also influenced by port and logistics infrastructure. Various countries and regions are continuously investing in modern ports, terminals, and logistics centers to meet the growing demand for goods. The efficiency and capacity of these infrastructure are crucial for the health and growth of the shipping industry. The shipping industry faces multiple challenges, including environmental, economic, and technological issues, which require finding sustainable solutions. The shipping industry is one of the main sources of global greenhouse gas emissions, with emissions equivalent to the overall emissions of many countries. Especially the fuel consumption of large cargo ships has a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions, which exacerbates the problem of climate change. The exhaust gas and wastewater generated by traditional fuel combustion also cause pollution to the marine environment, and have adverse effects on marine ecosystems and marine organisms (Figure 1) (Cao, 2011). Figure 1 Marine vessel discharge (Photo by Bing) In terms of economy, fluctuations in fuel prices have a significant impact on the economic situation of shipping companies, especially when prices rise. The volatility and instability of the global trade market also affect the operation and profitability of shipping companies. The maritime industry also urgently needs to improve in terms of technology. Improving ship fuel efficiency is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, traditional fuel engines have relatively low efficiency and require the search for more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly alternatives. In addition, designing and building more environmentally friendly ships requires a significant investment in research and development, which poses challenges to the development of the industry. In order to support the application of biomass energy, it is necessary to establish corresponding fuel supply chains and infrastructure, including production, storage, and transportation (Chen, 2021). Faced with the above challenges, biomass energy, as an alternative energy option, provides important opportunities for the maritime industry. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, lowering fuel costs, improving environmental quality, and promoting technological innovation, biomass energy can help drive the shipping industry towards a more sustainable direction. 3 Application of Biomass Energy in the Maritime Industry 3.1 Potential and advantages Biomass energy has significant potential and multiple advantages in the maritime industry, which can help reduce environmental impact and improve the predictability of operating costs. Biomass energy is extracted from biomass materials that can be continuously regenerated, such as wood, discarded crops, and vegetable oil. It makes biomass energy a sustainable form of energy. Besides, the use of biomass energy typically releases an amount of carbon dioxide equal to the amount absorbed during the growth of these biomass materials, thus having a potential carbon neutrality effect on global warming.