
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 48-59 57 The future of pyrolysis technology in biofuel production looks promising, with ongoing research and technological advancements continually improving its efficiency and economic viability. Key areas for future development include technological innovations, where continued innovation in reactor design and the development of more efficient catalysts will further enhance the yield and quality of biofuels produced through pyrolysis. Another important area is the integration with other technologies. Combining pyrolysis with other renewable energy technologies, such as solar or wind power, could further reduce the carbon footprint and improve the overall sustainability of biofuel production. Policy and market development are also crucial. Stronger policy frameworks and market incentives will be essential in driving the adoption of pyrolysis technology on a larger scale, ensuring that it becomes a mainstream method for biofuel production. In conclusion, pyrolysis technology holds significant potential for transforming industrial waste into valuable biofuels, contributing to energy security, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. With continued research, technological advancements, and supportive policies, pyrolysis could play a pivotal role in the future of renewable energy. Acknowledgments The author extends sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Adelawon B., Latinwo G., Eboibi B., Agbede O., and Agarry S., 2021, Comparison of the slow, fast, and flash pyrolysis of recycled maize-cob biomass waste, box-benhken process optimization and characterization studies for the thermal fast pyrolysis production of bio-energy, Chemical Engineering Communications, 209: 1246-1276. Ahmed H., Altalhi A., Elbanna S., El-saied H., Farag A., Negm N., and Mohamed E., 2022, Effect of reaction parameters on catalytic pyrolysis of waste cooking oil for production of sustainable biodiesel and biojet by functionalized montmorillonite/chitosan nanocomposites, ACS Omega, 7: 4585-4594. Alcazar‐Ruiz A., Dorado F., and Sánchez-Silva L., 2021, Fast pyrolysis of agroindustrial wastes blends: Hydrocarbon production enhancement, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Bach Q., Chen W., Eng C., Wang C., Liang K., and Kuo J., 2019, Pyrolysis characteristics and non-isothermal torrefaction kinetics of industrial solid wastes, Fuel. Chew K., Chia S., Chia W., Cheah W., Munawaroh H., and Ong W., 2021, Abatement of hazardous materials and biomass waste via pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis for environmental sustainability and circular economy, Environmental pollution, 278: 116836. Elkhalifa S., Al-Ansari T., Mackey H., and Mckay G., 2019, Food waste to biochars through pyrolysis: A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Ferrera-Lorenzo N., Fuente E., Bermúdez J., Suárez‐Ruiz I., and Ruiz B., 2014, Conventional and microwave pyrolysis of a macroalgae waste from the Agar-Agar industry, Prospects for bio-fuel production, Bioresource technology, 151: 199-206. Foong S., Liew R., Yang Y., Cheng Y., Yek P., Mahari W., Lee X., Han C., Vo D., Le Q., Aghbashlo M., Tabatabaei M., Sonne C., Peng W., and Lam S., 2020, Valorization of biomass waste to engineered activated biochar by microwave pyrolysis: Progress, challenges, and future directions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 389: 124401. Ge S., Yek P., Cheng Y., Xia C., Mahari W., Liew R., Peng W., Yuan T., Tabatabaei M., Aghbashlo M., Sonne C., and Lam S., 2021, Progress in microwave pyrolysis conversion of agricultural waste to value-added biofuels: A batch to continuous approach, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135: 110148. Giwa A., Chang F., Xu H., Zhang X., Huang B., Li Y., Wu J., Wang B., Vakili M., and Wang K., 2019, Pyrolysis of difficult biodegradable fractions and the real syngas bio-methanation performance, Journal of Cleaner Production.