
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 3 agricultural residues. This diversity helps to reduce dependence on specific energy sources and improve the diversity of energy supply. Fourthly, innovation. Innovative technologies are constantly emerging in the field of biomass energy, such as efficient conversion of biomass waste, development of new biomass fuels, and integrated utilization of biomass energy. These technological innovations are expected to improve the production efficiency and economic feasibility of biomass energy. Fifth, locality. The production of biomass energy is usually carried out locally, as raw materials are usually produced nearby. It helps to promote local economic development and reduce dependence on long-distance energy transportation. Sixth, resource sustainability. The sustainability of biomass energy is closely related to the planting and management methods of plants. Adopting sustainable agricultural and forestry management practices helps ensure the sustainable supply of biomass resources. 1.3 Overview of the application of biomass energy in other fields As a multifunctional renewable energy, biomass energy not only has broad application potential in the shipping industry, but also has made significant progress in other fields. The applications in these fields indicate that biomass energy has a wide range of applicability and potential, and can provide clean and sustainable energy solutions for different fields. In the shipping industry, drawing on the experience and technology of these fields is expected to promote the application of biomass energy, reduce carbon emissions, and achieve more sustainable shipping. In the field of transportation, biomass energy has been widely used in road and railway transportation. Biodiesel and bioethanol are the most common biomass transportation fuels. They can be mixed with traditional fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and improve air quality. Biomass energy is also used for power generation, especially in local power plants and biomass power plants. Biomass energy can be converted into electricity through combustion, gasification, or fermentation. The use of the clean energy helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels (Wang and Wang, 2015). In terms of heating and cooling, biomass energy is widely used in household heating and industrial heating. Biomass boilers and biomass water heaters can use wood, straw, and other biomass as fuels to provide efficient heating services. Biomass energy is also used in industrial production to prepare products such as chemicals, pulp, and paper. Biomass as a raw material can replace fossil resources and reduce the environmental impact of the production process. Biomass waste and organic waste can also be converted into biomass energy, such as biogas, through anaerobic digestion processes. This method helps to reduce waste accumulation while generating usable clean energy. In addition, biomass energy is also being studied and applied in the aviation industry to reduce aircraft carbon emissions. Some test flight projects have successfully used biomass aviation fuel for flight (Liu et al., 2012). 2 Current Situation and Challenges of the Maritime Industry The shipping industry is one of the largest logistics and trade transportation modes in the world, carrying the vast majority of international trade goods. According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), approximately 80% of global trade is completed through sea transportation, which is crucial for the health and growth of the international economy. The maritime industry, as the core of the global trade and logistics system, provides a solid foundation for economic growth and human social development. The shipping industry is a global mode of transportation. By sea freight, goods can quickly cross national borders and oceans, connecting markets and supply chains around the world. This global connectivity provides a solid foundation for the globalized economy, enabling products and resources to flow faster and farther. In recent years, global freight volume has steadily increased. This is partly attributed to the development of globalization, the increase in cross-border trade, and the rise of emerging markets. Especially in Asia, especially China, the continuous growth of export and import demand has driven the development of the maritime industry. With the continuous advancement of technology, the design and performance of ships have been significantly improved. Modern vessels such as large container ships, liquefied natural gas carriers, and ultra large oil tankers not only have large carrying capacity, but are also more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. These advances contribute to improving the efficiency and sustainability of the shipping industry.