
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 48-59 56 7.2 Potential for integration with other renewable energy systems The integration of pyrolysis technology with other renewable energy systems presents a significant opportunity for creating more sustainable and efficient energy solutions. For instance, combining pyrolysis with solar energy can lead to entirely green processes, as solar-powered pyrolysis eliminates the need for external energy inputs, thereby reducing the carbon footprint (Foong et al., 2020). Furthermore, the integration of pyrolysis with biogas production systems can optimize waste management and energy recovery. The syngas produced from pyrolysis can be used to generate electricity or as a feedstock for further chemical synthesis, thereby creating a closed-loop system that maximizes resource utilization (Hasan et al., 2021; Mahari et al., 2021). Additionally, the biochar produced from pyrolysis can be used as a soil amendment to enhance carbon sequestration and improve soil health, further contributing to environmental sustainability (Igliński et al., 2023). 7.3 Research gaps and areas for further investigation Despite the promising advancements in pyrolysis technology, several research gaps need to be addressed to fully realize its potential. One critical area is the optimization of reactor designs to improve heat distribution and material handling, particularly in continuous pyrolysis systems. Current designs often face challenges related to uneven heating and feedstock variability, which can impact the efficiency and consistency of biofuel production (Ge et al., 2021). Another area for further investigation is the development of advanced catalysts that can enhance the quality of bio-oil and reduce the formation of undesirable by-products. Research into bifunctional catalysts and co-catalysts, such as CaO and NaOH, has shown potential in improving bio-oil properties, but more work is needed to understand their mechanisms and optimize their use (Su et al., 2021). Additionally, there is a need for comprehensive techno-economic analyses to evaluate the feasibility and scalability of emerging pyrolysis technologies. Such studies will help identify the most cost-effective and sustainable approaches for industrial-scale applications (Yousef et al., 2019; Foong et al., 2020). In conclusion, the future of pyrolysis technology in biofuel production from industrial waste looks promising, with several emerging trends and integration opportunities. However, addressing the existing research gaps through targeted investigations will be crucial for advancing the technology and achieving its full potential in sustainable energy production. 8 Concluding Remarks The application of pyrolysis technology for the conversion of industrial waste into biofuels has shown significant promise across various studies. Key findings include the efficiency and yield improvements achieved through co-pyrolysis, particularly with microwave heating. This method has demonstrated higher efficiency and better yields of bio-oil compared to conventional pyrolysis methods due to improved heat transfer and reduced oxygen content in the resultant bio-oil. Feedstock versatility is another notable advantage. Various types of waste, including municipal solid waste (MSW), waste plastics, waste oils, and biomass, have been successfully utilized as feedstocks for pyrolysis, each contributing to the production of high-quality biofuels. The use of catalysts, such as CaO and NaOH, has been shown to significantly improve the quality of bio-oil by reducing its acid value and enhancing its calorific value. Environmental benefits of pyrolysis include providing a renewable source of energy and addressing waste management issues, thereby contributing to environmental sustainability. The findings from these studies have several implications for industry and policymakers. Regarding energy security, the adoption of pyrolysis technology can enhance energy security by providing an alternative to fossil fuels and reducing dependency on non-renewable energy sources. In terms of waste management, pyrolysis offers a viable solution for managing industrial and municipal waste, converting it into valuable energy products and reducing landfill use. The economic viability of pyrolysis processes is promising. Economic analyses indicate that with the right technological advancements and policy support, pyrolysis can be a cost-effective method for biofuel production. For regulatory support, policymakers should consider providing incentives for the development and adoption of pyrolysis technology. This includes subsidies for research and development, as well as regulations that promote the use of renewable energy sources.