
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 2 potential and feasibility of biomass energy in the maritime industry, and also focus on technological innovation and sustainability issues. The study introduces the basic concepts of biomass energy, including definition, classification, and characteristics. Subsequently, the current situation and challenges faced by the maritime industry will be introduced, highlighting the urgency of emission reduction. Additionally, the study explores the application potential and advantages of biomass energy in the maritime industry. On this basis, we will delve into the feasibility and applicability of biomass energy in the maritime industry, as well as existing biomass energy maritime projects and application opportunities. While biomass energy has opportunities in the shipping industry, there are also challenges that need to be emphasized in terms of technological innovation, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. At the end of the review, the key points and findings are summarized, emphasizing the importance of biomass energy in achieving sustainable maritime transportation, aiming to provide a reference for future research and policy formulation. 1 Overview of Biomass Energy Biomass energy is a renewable energy source that originates from biomass, such as plants, trees, crop residues, wood waste, and other organic materials. These biomass materials can be transformed into forms that can be used for energy production through various technologies including as liquid fuels, gases, electricity, and thermal energy. The widespread application of biomass energy not only helps to reduce dependence on limited fossil fuels, but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby mitigating the impact of climate change. 1.1 Definition and classification Biomass energy is a diverse source of energy, which can be divided into different categories based on its source, form, and use, mainly including biomass solid fuel, biomass liquid fuel, biomass gas fuel, biomass thermal energy, and biomass electricity. These forms of biomass energy have wide applications in different fields, and the sustainability and environmental characteristics of biomass energy make it a powerful choice to replace traditional energy. In the maritime industry, biomass energy is also considered a potential sustainable energy source, with the potential to reduce carbon emissions and improve environmental sustainability (Zhang et al., 2023). Biomass solid fuels include solid biomass materials such as wood, straw, sawdust, and straw, which are commonly used in fields such as biomass boilers, biomass combustion power plants, and household heating; Biomass liquid fuels exist in liquid form, including biodiesel and bioethanol. It can be used to replace traditional petroleum fuels such as diesel and gasoline for transportation, power generation, and heating; Biomass gas is a combustible gas that includes biomass gas (Biogas) and biomass synthesis gas (Syngas). It is usually generated during the fermentation process of organic waste and can be used for power generation, heating, and fuel production; Biomass can be used for heating and industrial processes through combustion or direct heating, known as biomass thermal energy. This type of energy is widely used in fields such as heating, cooking, and drying; Biomass fuel can also be used for power generation, usually achieved through steam turbines or internal combustion generators in biomass power plants. 1.2 The characteristics and advantages of biomass energy Biomass energy has unique characteristics and numerous advantages in the energy field, making it a remarkable alternative energy choice in the shipping industry. It can help reduce ship carbon emissions, improve the environmental sustainability of the shipping industry, and help meet international and domestic greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Firstly, renewability. Biomass energy comes from renewable biomass materials, such as plants and waste, and therefore has the potential for sustained supply. Compared to limited fossil fuels, biomass energy does not deplete and helps reduce the uncertainty of energy supply (Zabed et al., 2017). Secondly, carbon neutrality ability. The carbon dioxide released during the combustion process of biomass energy is almost equal to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by biomass materials during their growth process, thus possessing the potential for carbon neutrality. It helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. Thirdly, diversity. The sources of biomass energy are very diverse and can utilize a variety of plants, waste, and