
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 32-47 39 which can be used in conventional gasoline engines. The use of bioethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions and enhances fuel octane levels, contributing to cleaner combustion. Research has found that using ethanol-gasoline blends ranging from 10% to 85% increases the fuel's octane rating while also increasing total hydrocarbon emissions and reducing the emissions of aromatic BTEX compounds (Schifter et al., 2018). Biodiesel is produced via the transesterification process, which involves reacting vegetable or animal fats and oils with short-chain alcohols (typically methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst. This process yields biodiesel and glycerol as by-products (Atabani et al., 2018; Karmakar et al., 2019). Biodiesel can be used in pure form (B100) or blended with petroleum diesel (e.g., B20, which is 20% biodiesel) in diesel engines. Biodiesel provides benefits such as lower emissions of particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons, as well as enhanced lubricity, which can extend engine life. The production of these biofuels not only provides a renewable energy source but also helps in reducing carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels (Maina et al., 2019; Anwar et al., 2020). 5.3 Advanced biofuels and future prospects Advanced biofuels, also known as second and third-generation biofuels, represent the next frontier in bioenergy, utilizing non-food biomass and innovative technologies to overcome some of the limitations associated with traditional biofuels. Second-generation biofuels are derived from lignocellulosic biomass, including agricultural residues (e.g., straw, husks), forestry waste, and dedicated energy crops (e.g., Panicum virgatum) (Li et al., 2023; Shrestha et al., 2023). Technologies such as enzymatic hydrolysis and gasification convert these complex feedstocks into fermentable sugars or syngas, which can then be processed into ethanol, biodiesel, or other biofuels. Second-generation biofuels offer higher yields and lower environmental impacts compared to first-generation biofuels, as they do not compete directly with food crops for land and resources. Algae-based biofuels are a promising third-generation biofuel technology. Algae have high growth rates and can be cultivated in a variety of environments, including saline or wastewater, without competing for arable land. Algae can produce significant amounts of lipids, which can be converted into biodiesel, as well as carbohydrates that can be fermented into bioethanol (Anwar et al., 2020; Chiaramonti and Talluri, 2020; Zhang et al., 2022). Research is ongoing to optimize algae cultivation, harvesting, and conversion processes to make third-generation biofuels economically viable and scalable. The future of biofuels lies in integrating advanced technologies, improving feedstock supply chains, and enhancing conversion efficiencies. Innovations such as genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and biorefinery concepts aim to optimize biomass yield, reduce costs, and increase the sustainability of biofuel production. Policy support, investment in research and development, and international cooperation are crucial to advancing biofuel technologies and realizing their full potential as a sustainable energy source. The utilization of agricultural products for energy through direct combustion, bioethanol and biodiesel production, and advanced biofuels presents a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. These methods not only contribute to energy sustainability but also offer environmental and economic benefits. However, careful consideration of potential conflicts with food production and land use changes is essential to ensure a balanced approach to bioenergy development. 6 Balancing Food and Fuel Production 6.1 Land use considerations and conflicts Balancing the dual roles of agricultural products for food and fuel production necessitates careful land use planning to avoid conflicts and ensure sustainability. The introduction of bioenergy markets, such as those for cellulosic ethanol, can have significant implications for land use. For instance, converting low-quality agricultural land to perennial biomass crops can increase biofuel feedstock production without severely impacting soil quality. However, this may lead to intensified food production on high-quality land, potentially degrading soil health if not managed properly (Liu et al., 2018). Additionally, organic farming systems that avoid food-feed competition by using grass from permanent pastures and food industry by-products can optimize land use for food production while maintaining environmental performance (Karlsson and Röös, 2019).