
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 32-47 33 Energy conversion and utilization in agriculture are critical for maximizing the potential benefits of agricultural products. Efficient energy conversion technologies ensure that the energy contained within agricultural biomass is effectively harnessed, whether for food processing, biofuel production, or other energy needs (Zhou et al., 2022). This efficiency is vital for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy independence, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. Research has found significant variations in energy input among different crops, with vegetables and melons having the highest energy input (73.425 GJ/ha), while legume crops have the lowest energy input (6.13 GJ/ha). The primary energy sources are electricity, fertilizers, and diesel, contributing 46%, 20%, and 14%, respectively (Elsoragaby et al., 2019). Understanding and optimizing these processes is essential for developing integrated systems that support both food production and energy generation, thereby enhancing the overall resilience and sustainability of agricultural practices. This study aims to explore the dual role of agricultural products as both food and fuel, examining the processes involved in energy conversion and utilization. It focuses on reviewing the current research status on using agricultural products to produce biofuels and its impact on the global energy landscape, analyzing the technological advancements and challenges in energy conversion in agriculture. Additionally, it proposes strategies to optimize the dual use of agricultural products to achieve a balance between food security and energy sustainability. Through this comprehensive analysis, the study seeks to contribute to the broader discussion on sustainable agriculture and renewable energy, providing insights and recommendations for future research and policy development. 1 Historical Context and Evolution 1.1 Traditional uses of agricultural products for food The dual role of agricultural products as both food and fuel has deep historical roots, evolving significantly over time. Historically, agriculture has been the cornerstone of human civilization, providing the essential resources needed for sustenance and development. Crops such as wheat, rice, and maize have been staples in human diets for millennia, providing essential nutrients and calories necessary for survival and growth. Research shows that these crops are the main source of global food energy, accounting for over half of the calorie intake in the human diet (Yu and Tian, 2018; Giraldo et al., 2019). Traditional farming practices focused on maximizing grain yields to ensure food security and support growing populations. For instance, wheat has been a fundamental crop, with its grain being used to produce bread, a dietary staple in many cultures (Gabbanelli et al., 2021). 1.2 Evolution of bioenergy and biofuel production The evolution of bioenergy and biofuel production marks a significant shift in the utilization of agricultural products. Initially, agricultural residues like wood and crop wastes were used as primary energy sources in the form of firewood and charcoal (Mohamed, 2020). However, with advancements in technology and increasing concerns over fossil fuel depletion and climate change, the focus has shifted towards more sustainable energy sources. The formal evolution of bioenergy and biofuel production began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, driven by industrial advancements and the demand for alternative energy sources (Agarwal and Kumar, 2018). Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, have emerged as viable alternatives, produced from crops like corn and sugarcane (Mohamed, 2020). The oil crisis of the 1970s further accelerated research and investment in biofuels, highlighting the vulnerability of relying solely on fossil fuels. By the end of the 20th century, technological advancements in enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation processes made the conversion of agricultural biomass into ethanol and biodiesel more efficient. In recent years, the focus has expanded to second- and third-generation biofuels, which use non-food biomass and algae, respectively, addressing issues related to food security and land use (He et al., 2018; Robak and Balcerek, 2018). Additionally, the conversion of agricultural residues into biogas through anaerobic digestion has gained traction, offering a renewable energy source that can be integrated into existing agricultural systems (Gabbanelli et al., 2021).