
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 28-31 31 Figure 5 Contrasting conformation of xylan polymers with different proximities to cellulose Note: (A) Xylan bound to cellulose (orange) adopts conformations that enable acetate groups to consistently orient away from the cellulose surface. Unbound xylose (light blue) adopts a more random orientation of acetate groups. exemplary xylan polymers are shown in licorice representation, with their acetate groups highlighted as spheres, and cellulose is shown as a white surface. (B) Unbound xylan φ + ψ distributions are not exclusively 31 and span a large range of values with a peak at ~1700. (C) For xylan chains with similarly oriented acetate groups, a wide distribution of canonical φ + ψ conformations is observed, although a peak ~1000 is prominent. (D) θ2f(O2-c5-c5-O2) values for the unbound xylan chain are widely distributed corresponding with the nonuniform acetate group orientations. (E) Bound xylan exhibits a narrow θ2f distribution centered at 00, which highlights the consistent orientation of acetate groups. defnition of canonical φ + ψ and θ2f(O2-c5-c5-O2) dihedral measurements is portrayed in (F) and (G), respectively 5 Access the Full Text Addison B., Bu L.T., Bharadwaj V., Crowley M.F., Harman-Ware A.E., Crowley M.F., Bomble Y.J., and Ciesielski P.N., 2024, Atomistic, macromolecular model of the Populus secondary cell wall informed by solid-state NMR, Science Advances, 10(1): eadi7965. Acknowledgement I sincerely appreciate the open-access policy of Science Advances, which allows readers to freely share this valuable research. I would also like to thank the research team led by Yannick J. Bomble, and Peter N. Ciesielski for their outstanding work, which provides a valuable case for studies on plant cell wall architecture and its implications for renewable energy and materials science. Given that reviewers may have different perspectives on the interpretation of the data and results, I apologize if my analysis and evaluation differ from the authors' original intent. I look forward to further research to delve deeper into the complexities of this field. Disclaimer/Publisher's Note The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and do not represent the views of the publishing house and/or its editors. The publisher and/or its editors disclaim all responsibility for any harm or damage to persons or property that may result from the application of ideas, methods, instructions, or products discussed in the content. Publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.