
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 20-27 26 Adding value to sugarcane by-products also faces market and economic challenges. Although market demand for products such as biofuels, paper and chemicals is growing, the gap between production costs and market prices makes it difficult to commercialize many projects. Biofuel production requires massive investment, fierce market competition, and the lack of comprehensive subsidies and incentive policies have hindered industrial development. In addition, unstable product markets and high logistics costs also increase economic risks. Government policies and regulations have a significant impact on the value-added utilization of sugarcane by-products, with clean energy and renewable energy policies providing incentive support for biofuels and biomass energy. However, complex regulations and standards and the lack of a unified quality certification mechanism limit the development of the industrial chain and international trade. In addition, the lack of clear waste management policies and mandatory measures leads to improper waste treatment and utilization, affecting the value-added of by-products. The value-added utilization of sugarcane by-products has broad development prospects in the future. Technological innovation will be the key to solving existing challenges. Through the development of efficient, economical and environmentally friendly pretreatment and hydrolysis technologies, process efficiency and product quality will be further improved. In addition, sound policies and incentive mechanisms will promote the integration and sustainable development of the industrial chain and provide strong support for the value-added utilization of sugarcane by-products. Ultimately, achieve the transformation from waste to wealth and contribute to global sustainable development. Acknowledgments We extend our sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the initial draft of this paper, whose critical evaluations and constructive suggestions have greatly contributed to the improvement of our manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Arce O., Alagón G., Ródenas L., Martínez-Paredes E., Moya V., Cervera C., and Pascual J., 2022, Effect of Dietary Level of Beet Pulp, with or without Molasses, on Health Status, Growth Performance, and Carcass and Digestive Tract Traits of Rabbits, Animals: an Open Access Journal from MDPI, 12. Ajala E.O., Ighalo J.O., Ajala M.A., and Ayanshola A.M., 2021, Sugarcane bagasse: a biomass sufficiently applied for improving global energy, environment and economic sustainability, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 8: 87. Hawaz E., Tafesse M., Tesfaye A., Kiros S., Beyene D., Kebede G., Boekhout T., Marizeth G., Theelen B., Degefe A., Degu S., Admasu A., Biru Hunde B., and Muleta D., 2023, Optimization of bioethanol production from sugarcane molasses by the response surface methodology using Meyerozyma caribbica isolate MJTm3, Annals of Microbiology, 73: 2. Jamir L., Kumar V., Kaur J., Kumar S., Singh H, 2021, Composition, valorization and therapeutical potential of molasses: a critical review, Environmental Technology Reviews, 10(12): 131-142. Kakasaheb S.K., Sanjay N., Vinod K., Sanjay V.P., and Vivek V.R., 2021, Sugarcane bagasse based biorefineries in India: potential and challenges, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 5: 52-78. Khairul S.A.M., Mahyudin N.A., and Abas F., 2022, The proximate composition and metabolite profiling of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) molasses, Malaysian Applied Biology, 51(2): 63-68. Martinez-Hernandez E., Amezcua-Allieri M.A., Sadhukhan J., and Anell J.A., 2018, Sugarcane Bagasse Valorization Strategies for Bioethanol and Energy Production, Sugarcane-Technology and Research, InTech., 6(20): 5772.