
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 18 their ability to produce bioenergy. For instance, researchers have successfully extended the lifespan of brewing yeast using telomere modification technology, thereby improving the production efficiency of biofuels. Metabolic engineering technology is a technique that changes the metabolic pathways of microorganisms and is widely used in the field of bioenergy. Metabolic engineering technology can be used to optimize the metabolic pathways of microorganisms, making them more suitable for the production of bioenergy (Yang et al., 2002). Researchers have successfully altered the metabolic pathways of certain microorganisms using metabolic engineering techniques, making them more suitable for producing biofuels such as biodiesel. In addition, researchers have also utilized metabolic engineering techniques to successfully alter the metabolic pathways of some microorganisms, enabling them to produce more bio hydrogen. Bioreactor technology is a technique that improves the efficiency of bioconversion by optimizing reactor design and operating parameters. In the field of bioenergy, bioreactor technology can be used to optimize the production process and improve the production efficiency of bioenergy. Researchers have successfully improved the production efficiency of biomass energy by utilizing efficient reactors and production lines. Researchers have also successfully achieved continuous and large-scale production of biofuels using bioreactor technology. Biosensor technology is a technology that monitors and controls production processes by utilizing the ability of organisms to perceive and respond to environmental changes, and its application in the field of bioenergy is becoming increasingly widespread. In the field of bioenergy, biosensor technology can be used to monitor key variables in the production process, such as temperature, pH value, etc. Researchers have successfully used biosensor technology to monitor key variables in the production process, thereby achieving real-time monitoring and control of the production process and improving the production efficiency of bioenergy. In addition, researchers have successfully monitored the metabolic status of microorganisms during the production process using biosensor technology, thereby achieving intelligent control and optimization of the production process. 5Prospect As a sustainable clean energy, the role and significance of bioenergy in sustainable development cannot be ignored. The development of bioenergy can effectively meet human energy needs without imposing too much burden on the environment. The development of bioenergy can promote sustainable development and environmental protection without sacrificing economic development. Therefore, the role and significance of bioenergy in sustainable development are very important. Currently, the development of bioenergy faces some challenges and problems. The biggest challenge is the high production cost and low production efficiency of bioenergy. Besides, there are also certain issues with the raw material sources of bioenergy, such as limitations on biomass sources and competition from biofuels for resources such as food. The development of bioenergy also needs to face policy and legal challenges, such as incomplete policies and laws, which limit the development of bioenergy. To address the aforementioned issues and challenges, we can promote the development of bioenergy in the global energy transition by improving its production efficiency, expanding its raw material sources, providing policy and legal support, and strengthening international cooperation. In the future, bioenergy will play an important role in the global energy transition. References Cross S., Welfle A.J., Thornley P., Syri S., and Mikaelsson M., 2021, Bioenergy development in the UK & Nordic countries: A comparison of effectiveness of support policies for sustainable development of the bioenergy sector, Biomass Bioenergy., 144: 105887. Dhanya B.S., Mishra A., Chandel A.K., and Verma M.L., 2020, Development of sustainable approaches for converting the organic waste to bioenergy, Sci. Total. Environ., 723: 138109.