
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 17 international cooperation, it can promote the sharing of technology and experience, and promote the international development of bioenergy; Through policy support and environmental regulation, sustainable development of biomass energy can be promoted. Through the implementation of these measures, sustainable development of bioenergy can be achieved, contributing to the global energy transformation. International cooperation is an essential part of the development process of bioenergy. Through international cooperation, it can promote the sharing of technology and experience, and promote the internationalization of bioenergy. For example, the EU and China have engaged in extensive cooperation in the field of biomass energy, jointly developing biomass energy technologies to promote sustainable development of biomass energy. Meanwhile, international cooperation can also promote the trade and circulation of biomass energy. For instance, the EU and Brazil have extensive cooperation in biofuel trade, promoting international trade and circulation of biofuels. Policy support is an important guarantee in the development process of bioenergy, and the government can encourage enterprises to invest in the research and production of bioenergy by formulating tax policies and subsidies. For example, the US government provides tax incentives to biofuel production enterprises through the "biofuel production tax credit" policy, encouraging them to invest in biofuel production. The government can also promote the development of biomass energy by formulating environmental policies. For instance, the German government has enacted the Renewable Energy Law to encourage businesses to invest in biomass energy and promote its development. Technological innovation is an important driving force for the development of bioenergy, and the government can promote innovation and development of bioenergy technology through research and development investment and international cooperation. For example, the European Union has conducted extensive research and development in the field of biomass energy, and has developed many new biomass energy production technologies, promoting the sustainable development of biomass energy. The production of biomass energy requires a large amount of biomass resources, therefore it is necessary to strengthen resource protection and environmental supervision. The government can reduce the impact of bioenergy on the environment by strengthening regulation and formulating environmental protection policies. For example, the European Union has established the Sustainable Biomass Energy Certification System (SBP), which requires biomass energy production enterprises to comply with environmental requirements and protect the ecological environment during the production process. 4 Innovative Technologies for Bioenergy With the continuous growth of global energy demand and the increasing depletion of traditional fossil fuels, bioenergy as a sustainable clean energy source has received increasing attention. In the field of bioenergy, innovative technologies are constantly emerging, injecting new vitality into the development of bioenergy, which is of great significance for achieving sustainable development of bioenergy. Gene editing technology is a technique that artificially alters the genome of living organisms, and has made significant progress in its application in the field of bioenergy. Gene editing technology can be used to alter the genome of organisms, making them more suitable for the production of bioenergy (Tan et al., 2003). Researchers have successfully altered the composition of cellulose and lignin in the cell wall of Arabidopsis plants using gene editing technology, making them easier to degrade during biotransformation, thereby improving the production efficiency of biomass energy. Eesearchers have successfully altered the metabolic pathways of brewing yeast through gene editing technology as well, altering the composition of cellulose and lignin in plant cell walls, making them easier to degrade during biotransformation, producing more biofuels, and thus improving the production efficiency of biomass energy. Telomere modification technology is a technique that changes the length of cell telomeres. In the field of bioenergy, telomere modification technology can be used to extend the lifespan of microorganisms and improve