
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 16 3.2 The focus and direction of bioenergy development With the accelerated development of global energy transformation, bioenergy, as an important component of sustainable energy, has gradually become a focus of attention. In the development process of bioenergy, improving production efficiency and reducing costs, strengthening policy support and market promotion, strengthening resource protection and environmental supervision, and promoting multi energy complementarity and comprehensive utilization are the focus and direction of bioenergy development. The development and application of bioenergy are beneficial for improving production efficiency and reducing costs. Production efficiency and cost are key issues that need to be focused on in the development of bioenergy. In order to improve production efficiency and reduce costs, it can be achieved through technological innovation and research and development investment. A new cellulose hydrolase developed by Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, can efficiently convert cellulose into sugars, and has developed an efficient biodiesel production technology, which has improved production efficiency and reduced costs. At the same time, it is necessary to control costs during the production process, and reduce production costs by reducing raw material costs and improving production efficiency. A study by the US Department of Agriculture has found that using crop waste such as corn straw, wheat straw, and rice straw as biomass energy raw materials to produce biofuels is more than 20% cheaper than petroleum fuel. A study by the US Department of Agriculture has found that using crop waste such as corn straw, wheat straw, and rice straw as biomass energy raw materials to produce biofuels is more than 20% cheaper than petroleum fuel. Strengthening policy support and market promotion is also an important direction. Policy support and market promotion are essential parts of the development process of bioenergy. The government can encourage enterprises to invest in the research and production of bioenergy by formulating tax policies and subsidies. For example, the US government provides tax incentives to biofuel production enterprises through the "biofuel production tax credit" policy, encouraging them to invest in biofuel production. At the same time, the market-oriented development of biomass energy can also be promoted through the establishment of biomass energy trading markets and other means. The EU has established a biomass energy trading market, which promotes the production and utilization of biomass energy and promotes the market-oriented development of biomass energy through the operation of the trading market. We can strengthen resource protection and environmental supervision. The production of biomass energy requires a large amount of biomass resources, therefore it needs to strengthen resource protection and environmental supervision. It is necessary to reduce the impact of bioenergy on the environment by strengthening regulation and formulating environmental protection policies, such as controlling the quantity and quality of biomass energy production, preventing excessive exploitation and damage to the ecological environment. The European Union has established the Sustainable Biomass Energy Certification System (SBP), which requires biomass energy production enterprises to comply with environmental requirements and protect the ecological environment during the production process. In addition, it is also possible to promote multi energy complementarity and comprehensive utilization. The development of bioenergy requires multi energy complementarity and comprehensive utilization. For example, biomass energy can be combined with renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy to form a multi energy complementary energy system. Meanwhile, biomass energy can also be comprehensively utilized with other forms of energy (Dhanya et al., 2020), such as combining biomass energy with gas power generation technology to improve energy utilization efficiency. The "Zero Emission Ecological Energy System" project jointly developed by China Datang Group and General Electric Company of the United States comprehensively utilizes various forms of renewable energy such as biomass energy, solar energy, and wind energy, achieving efficient energy utilization. 3.3 International cooperation and policy support As an important component of sustainable energy, bioenergy plays a crucial role in the global energy transition. International cooperation and policy support are crucial for promoting the development of bioenergy. Through