
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 15 summarized as insufficient resources, immature technology, and imperfect policies. To address these issues, several approaches can be taken. Improve production efficiency and reduce costs. The production of bioenergy requires a large amount of biomass resources, which are limited in some regions. For example, according to data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), there is great potential for biomass resources in Africa, but due to a lack of investment and technological support, the utilization rate of bioenergy development is not high. To solve the problem, it is necessary to strengthen resource protection and management, and encourage international cooperation and technological innovation to improve the utilization efficiency of biomass resources. Need to improve production technology level. Some technologies in bioenergy production are still immature, leading to low production efficiency and high costs. In the field of biomass gasification technology, there are still problems such as low gasification efficiency and unstable gas production. To solve the problem, it is necessary to strengthen technological innovation and research and development investment, and encourage enterprises to invest in the production and research and development of bioenergy (Fang et al., 2022). We can also strengthen resource protection and environmental regulation, enhance policy support and market promotion. The policy environment plays a crucial role in the development of bioenergy. By strengthening regulation and formulating environmental protection policies, the impact of bioenergy on the environment can be reduced. In some countries, insufficient government support and encouragement for biomass energy have led to slow development of bioenergy. Enterprises can be encouraged to invest in the production and research and development of bioenergy through tax policies and subsidies (Cross et al., 2021). Moreover, international cooperation can be strengthened to promote the sharing and exchange of technology and experience, in order to promote the sustainable development of bioenergy globally. 3 Development Strategies of Bioenergy in Global Energy Transformation 3.1 The status and role of bioenergy in global energy transformation With the development of the global economy and population growth, the demand for energy is increasing day by day. However, the limitations of fossil fuels and environmental issues have attracted global attention. Therefore, shifting towards sustainable energy has become an inevitable choice for global energy transformation. Bioenergy is an important component of renewable energy, with advantages such as low carbon emissions and sustainable utilization. Bioenergy, as a renewable energy source, has enormous potential and can play an important role in the global energy transition among sustainable energy. Bioenergy can replace fossil fuels and reduce dependence on them. Biomass energy includes biomass fuel, biomass electricity, and biomass gas, which can be used to replace traditional fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal. Bioenergy is a type of renewable energy that can reduce reliance on limited fossil fuels during its production and utilization, providing a new sustainable source of energy for global energy transformation (Yang et al., 2002). According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)'s forecast, by 2030, biomass energy will become the largest source of renewable energy, accounting for over 60%. Bioenergy can promote the development of agriculture and rural economy. The production of biomass energy requires a large amount of resources such as crops and trees. Therefore, the development of biomass energy can promote the development of agriculture and forestry, and increase the income of farmers. In addition, the production of biomass energy can create employment opportunities in rural areas and promote local economic development. Bioenergy can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce its impact on the environment. In the production and utilization of biomass energy, the emission of carbon dioxide is lower than that of fossil fuels. Therefore, the development of biomass energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce its impact on the environment.