
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 14 Additionally, the production of bioenergy requires a large amount of land and water resources, which are limited in some areas. Some bioenergy production processes require special environmental conditions, such as biomass combustion requiring specific temperature and humidity conditions. To address the issue of insufficient production capacity, it is possible to consider improving production processes and technologies to increase production efficiency and reduce resource consumption. In the production of biomass energy, more efficient production processes and equipment can be adopted, such as biomass fuel cells and biomass gasification technology (Figure 2). In addition, the government can provide more funding and resource support to enterprises by encouraging investment and supporting policies, in order to expand production capacity. Figure 2 Biomass gasification technology process (Picture by Bing) 2.3 Carbon emission issues Bioenergy generates certain carbon emissions during its production and use, which is also a major challenge for its sustainable development. According to IEA data, the carbon emissions of biomass energy are about 50% to 90% of fossil fuels. In the process of biomass combustion and biodiesel production, oxidation reactions produce a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which can have a certain impact on the environment. Furthermore, the production process of some bioenergy also puts certain pressure on land and water resources, further exacerbating environmental problems (Sagar and Kartha, 2007). In order to solve the problem of carbon emissions, it is possible to consider improving production processes and technologies, and adopting some technical measures, including biomass combustion waste gas recovery technology and biomass gasification technology, to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Besides, the government can promote the sustainable development of bioenergy and reduce its impact on the environment by strengthening regulation and formulating environmental protection policies. 2.4 Problems and measures In addition to the above-mentioned issues and challenges, the development of bioenergy also faces some other problems and challenges. For example, in some regions, the production and use of bioenergy may have an impact on food security. And in some countries, crops such as soybeans and corn produced from biofuels have led to rising food prices and shortages. Moreover, the development of some bioenergy is also influenced by policies and market environments, which require joint efforts from the government and enterprises to solve. The problems and challenges faced by the development of bioenergy are multifaceted and require joint efforts from the government, enterprises, and society. Through technological innovation, policy support, resource protection, and international cooperation, the sustainable development of bioenergy can be promoted, and the transformation and upgrading of sustainable energy can be achieved. The reasons for the above problems can be