
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 12 under anaerobic or semi anaerobic conditions, mainly composed of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, etc (Zhuang et al., 2010). 1.2 Sustainability and environmental friendliness of bioenergy Bioenergy is one of the hot topics in the global energy field today, and has attracted much attention due to its renewable and environmentally friendly characteristics. Bioenergy has high sustainability. The raw materials for bioenergy mainly come from renewable biological resources such as plants and animals, and are not limited like fossil fuels, so they have high sustainability. In addition, in the production process of bioenergy, resources such as waste and crop straw can be utilized to achieve comprehensive utilization of resources and reduce waste emissions and environmental pollution (Liu et al., 2021). Taking waste utilization as an example, research from the National Center for Bioenergy in the United States shows that utilizing waste can provide the country with over 160 million gallons of biofuel, which is equivalent to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 3 million tons. Bioenergy has high environmental friendliness. Compared to traditional fossil fuels, the production and use of bioenergy generate much lower carbon dioxide emissions. The production process of bioenergy will absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is beneficial for environmental protection. In addition, the production process of bioenergy does not produce pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen oxides, and its impact on the environment is relatively small. According to data from the US Department of Energy, a car running on biofuels emits 70% less nitrogen oxides than a car running on traditional fuels. In addition, the production and use of bioenergy generate much lower carbon dioxide emissions than fossil fuels. Taking bioethanol as an example, according to data from the US Department of Energy, the carbon dioxide emissions generated by producing one gallon of bioethanol are 57% lower than those of producing one gallon of traditional gasoline. Bioenergy is an important component of renewable energy, with high sustainability and environmental friendliness. In the future energy transformation, bioenergy will play an important role, but it also requires our joint efforts to overcome various challenges and problems in production and utilization, and achieve sustainable development of bioenergy. 1.3 The role and significance of bioenergy in sustainable development Bioenergy is one of the key areas in the global energy industry today, and its role and significance in sustainable development are very important. Through the development and utilization of bioenergy, we can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, promote the development of agriculture and rural economy, reduce energy costs, promote technological innovation and progress, and promote the process of sustainable development (Zhuang et al., 2010). Bioenergy can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels, thereby reducing its impact on the environment. The use of fossil fuels can lead to significant carbon dioxide emissions and exacerbate global warming. The use of bioenergy can reduce the emission, thereby reducing its impact on the environment. According to data from the US Energy Information Administration, the carbon dioxide emissions required to produce one gallon of biodiesel are 78% lower than those required to produce one gallon of traditional diesel. In Europe, the use of biodiesel has become one of the important means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with EU countries using 9.6% of the total diesel sales in 2018. The production process of bioenergy requires a large amount of land, water resources, and energy, which can promote the development of agriculture and rural economy. And the production of bioenergy requires a large amount of crops, trees, and other raw materials, which will increase the demand for agricultural products and promote agricultural development. Besides, the production process of bioenergy can utilize a large amount of waste and rural resources, thereby promoting the development of rural economy. According to data from the China Electricity Council, as of the end of 2019, there were a total of 1 105 biomass power generation projects in