
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 11 field of bioenergy. At the same time, scientific evaluation methods such as ecological footprint, carbon footprint, and water footprint need to be adopted to comprehensively evaluate the sustainability of bioenergy. The review will explore the position and role of bioenergy in the global energy transition from the perspective of sustainable development of bioenergy. We will introduce the types, production methods, and advantages of bioenergy, deeply explore sustainable development strategies and evaluation methods of bioenergy, and propose technologies and management methods to improve the sustainability of bioenergy. We hope that this review can provide readers with a deeper and more comprehensive understanding, as well as valuable references and suggestions for research and practice in the field of bioenergy, which can further promote the development of bioenergy and contribute to the global energy transformation. 1 Bioenergy and Sustainable Development 1.1 Definition and classification of bioenergy Bioenergy refers to the energy produced from renewable biological resources such as biomass, bio oil, biogas, and bio alcohol. According to the different sources and production methods of bioenergy, it can be divided into some categories: Biomass energy is the energy produced from biomass sources such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. Biomass energy mainly includes wood and woody biomass, crop residues, energy crops, urban and rural organic waste, biomass waste, as well as biomass feed and feces (Figure 1). Wood is one of the earliest forms of biomass energy to be utilized. It can be directly burned for heating, cooking, and energy production. Crop straw, plant stems and leaves, and other residues can also be used as sources of biomass energy. Specific plants are specifically planted for energy production, and these plants are called energy crops. Organic waste, such as food residue, kitchen waste, and rural waste, can generate methane and other gases through biodegradation or anaerobic digestion for power generation or heating. Biomass waste generated from industrial production and agricultural activities, such as wood processing waste, pulp and paper waste, can also be used for biomass energy production. Animal feces and feed residues can also produce methane through anaerobic digestion (Klein-Marcuschamer et al., 2010; Zabed et al., 2017). Figure 1 Biomass fuel (Picture by Bing) Biooil energy is the energy produced from oils extracted from plant seeds, fruits, and other parts. It mainly includes vegetable oil energy and animal oil energy. Vegetable oil mainly comes from oil crops, such as soybean (Glycine max), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), rape (Brassica napus), etc. Animal oil mainly comes from animal fats, such as lard, butter, etc. Biooil can be converted into energy through esterification, hydrocracking, and other methods (Zhuang et al., 2010). Biogas energy is the energy produced by utilizing the gases produced by microorganisms during biomass fermentation. Biogas energy mainly includes biogas and biogenic gas. Biogas is the gas produced by the decomposition of biomass by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions, mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogenic gas refers to the gas produced by the decomposition of biomass by microorganisms