
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 8 The quality and stability of biomass energy are crucial for engine performance. Ensuring the quality and chemical composition of each batch of biomass fuel is a challenge to ensure the reliable operation of the engine. The shipping industry requires reliable fuel supply to ensure the sustainability of long-distance voyages. Therefore, establishing a reliable biomass fuel supply chain and inventory is crucial. The technical reliability of ship engines is crucial for the use of biomass fuels. Ensuring that the engine can operate stably under various conditions and cope with the characteristics of biomass fuels is a challenge (Gentry et al., 2010). Solving these problems requires cross departmental cooperation and technological innovation. Governments, industries, and research institutions can work together to develop sustainable production standards, resource management policies, and biomass energy quality standards to ensure the sustainability and reliability of biomass energy in the shipping industry. This will help achieve low-carbon, efficient, and environmentally friendly sea transportation. 5Prospect The role of biomass energy in sustainable maritime transportation is increasingly prominent. Its low-carbon characteristics, wide availability, and compatibility with traditional petroleum fuels make it an important factor in promoting carbon neutrality and environmental protection in the maritime industry. In the future, it is expected that biomass energy will be applied in more shipping companies and ships. To ensure the sustainability of biomass energy, governments, industries, and research institutions need to work hard together. Developing sustainable standards for the production and procurement of biomass energy is a crucial step. In addition, promoting technological innovation and improving the production efficiency and quality of biomass energy are important aspects to ensure its sustainable application. The application of biomass energy requires cross-border cooperation. The close collaboration between the government, shipping companies, energy producers, and research institutions will promote the widespread application of biomass energy in the shipping industry. Jointly addressing resource sustainability, quality standards, supply chain reliability, and technological challenges is a necessary condition for achieving this goal. With increasing global attention to climate change and environmental issues, the prospects of biomass energy in sustainable shipping seem promising. Its potential lies in providing a low-carbon and renewable fuel option for the shipping industry, which is expected to drive the entire industry towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future. This study reviews the opportunities and challenges of biomass energy in the maritime industry, emphasizing the importance of its sustainability and innovation. In the context of addressing climate change and environmental demands, biomass energy, as a potential alternative energy source, provides feasible solutions for the maritime industry. However, to realize its potential, challenges such as resource sustainability, technological innovation, and supply chain reliability must be addressed. Through cooperation and innovation, we can build more sustainable and environmentally friendly navigation for the future shipping industry. References Cao L.Q., 2011, Current situation and development trends of greenhouse gas emission reduction in the marine industry, Shuiyun Guanli (Shipping Management), (10): 37-39. Chen D.L., 2021, Analysis of the Development trends of the world maritime industry and suggestions for the development of china's maritime industry, Zhongguo Zhanlue Xinxing Chanye (China Strategic Emerging Industry), (3): 223-225. Gentry R.W., Sayler G.S., and Zhuang J., 2010, Towards sustainable cellulosic bioenergy, Journal of Resources and Ecology, 1(2): 117-122. Jia D.S., Xu D., and Yang Q.P., 2015, Analysis of the development characteristics of maritime transport under the new normal, Zhongguo Shuiyun (China Water Transport), (7): 10-14. Liu G.R,. Yan B.B., and Chen G.Y., 2012, Preparation technology and research developments of aviation biofuel, Shengwuzhi Huaxue Gongcheng (Biomass Chemical Engineering), 46(3): 45-48. Liu H.X., and Feng Y.M., 2015, Current status and future development trends of biomass energy in the world, Shijie Nongye (World Agriculture), (5): 117-120.