
Journal of Energy Bioscience 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 7 Biomass energy, as a low-carbon and renewable fuel, has the potential to meet this demand. Therefore, the demand for biomass energy in the maritime market is expected to continue to increase. Many countries and international organizations have formulated policies and regulations which includes setting tax reduction policies, emission reduction targets, and sustainable development goals to encourage and support the application of biomass energy in the maritime industry. Policy support helps to reduce the production and usage costs of biomass energy and improve its competitiveness. International cooperation projects and initiatives are expected to strengthen cooperation between different countries and regions in biomass energy shipping. And joint research, technological exchange, and resource sharing will help overcome common challenges and promote the global application of biomass energy. 4.2 Technical limitations and cost-effectiveness Although biomass energy has enormous potential in the maritime industry, it also faces some technological limitations and cost-effectiveness challenges. Addressing these technological limitations and cost-effectiveness challenges requires continuous research and innovation. The government, industry, and research institutions can work together to promote technological development, resource management, and cost-benefit analysis to ensure the feasibility and sustainability of biomass energy in the maritime industry. In terms of technology, the storage and transportation technology of biomass energy needs to be continuously improved. It includes developing more efficient storage methods to ensure the stability and availability of fuel during long-distance voyages. Furthermore, the engine technology of ships also needs to adapt to different types of biomass energy to ensure their full combustion and stable performance. The sustainability of biomass energy depends on the sustainable supply of raw materials. Ensuring the stable supply of raw materials and the sustainability of the production chain is a challenge that requires close cooperation to ensure sustainable procurement and resource management. Producing high-quality biomass energy requires efficient production technology which includes steps such as biomass harvesting, pretreatment, gasification or liquefaction. The maturity and efficiency of technology will affect production costs and energy quality (Liu and Feng, 2015). In terms of cost-effectiveness, the production cost of biomass energy is usually higher, and compared to traditional petroleum fuels, its production and processing process requires more energy and resources. This leads to relatively high prices for biomass energy, which restricts its competitiveness in the market. In addition, retrofitting ship engines to adapt to biomass energy requires a certain amount of investment, including engine improvements, upgrading of combustion technology, and system adaptability changes. These modifications may result in higher initial costs, but can achieve energy-saving and environmental benefits in the long term. Although biomass energy is a low-carbon fuel, its production and collection process may have an impact on the environment and society, and managing and reducing these costs will require more resources and technological investment. 4.3 Sustainability and reliability issues The sustainability and reliability of biomass energy in the shipping industry are important factors that determine its long-term success. These issues cover multiple aspects of biomass energy production, supply, transportation, anduse. The sustainability of biomass energy depends on effective resource management. Sustainable logging and biomass production are key to ensuring sustainable supply of raw materials. It is necessary to ensure that the collection of biomass resources does not lead to forest destruction or ecosystem degradation. The production of biomass energy usually requires a large amount of land. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that land use is sustainable and does not lead to desertification or loss of competitive uses, such as food production. Moreover, biomass energy is considered a low-carbon energy source, but its carbon emissions during production and transportation still need attention. Sustainable production and supply chain management can reduce these emissions.