
Genomics and Applied Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7 6 Genetic diversity has been proven to be crucial for the adaptability of bird populations. Individuals with more genetic variations are often better able to adapt to different environmental pressures during migration. This diversity provides key mechanisms for resisting diseases and adapting to new environments, increasing opportunities for the survival and reproduction of bird populations. Future research will delve deeper into how these genotypes affect the selection of migration pathways and their resource utilization capabilities in different geographical environments. On the other hand, environmental changes pose a challenge to genome stability, which is crucial for the survival ability of bird populations. With global climate change, birds may face changes in their migration paths, which may limit gene flow and affect the maintenance of gene diversity. Therefore, an understanding of genomic stability under environmental changes will provide us with more information about the survival ability and adaptability of populations. Technological innovation will be an important driving force for future bird conservation. The development of genomics and remote sensing technology will provide humans with more refined genetic information and habitat monitoring data, which will provide more support for the study of bird migration and genetic diversity. Interdisciplinary cooperation will also be the key to future research, integrating knowledge from ecology, genetics, and environmental science can provide humans with a more comprehensive understanding, assist in bird conservation, and promote sustainable development of ecosystems. Overall, the interaction between bird migration and genetic diversity will continue to lead the forefront of research in biology and environmental science. Future research will delve deeper into these relationships, providing richer and more comprehensive insights into bird conservation, ecosystem robustness, and human sustainable use of the environment. The continuous exploration in this field is expected to provide more solutions for humans, thereby better understanding how bird migration shapes the genetic structure of populations, and how genetic diversity affects the survival and reproductive ability of birds under different environmental conditions. These research findings will have important inspiration and guidance for the maintenance of biodiversity, ecosystem balance, and sustainable environmental management. References Berthold P., 2002, Bird migration: the present view of evolution, control, and further development as global warming progresses, Dongwu Xuebao (Current Zoology), 48(3): 291-301. Charmantier A., and Gienapp P., 2013, Climate change and timing of avian breeding and migration: evolutionary versus plastic changes, Evol. Appl., 7(1): 15-28. Coppack T., and Both C., 2002, Predicting life-cycle adaptation of migratory birds to global climate change, Ardea, 55(1-2): 369-378. Dawson T.P., Jackson S.T., House J.I., Prentice I.C., and Mace G.M., 2011, Beyond predictions: biodiversity conservation in a changing climate, Science, 332(6025): 53-58. De Meester L., Stoks R., and Brans K.I., 2017, Genetic adaptation as a biological buffer against climate change: Potential and limitations, Integr. Zool., 13(4): 372-391. Hoffmann A.A., and Sgrò C.M., 2011, Climate change and evolutionary adaptation, Nature, 470: 479-485. Knudsen E., Lindén A., Both C., Jonzén N., Pulido F., Saino N., Sutherland W.J., Bach L.A., Coppack T., Ergon T., Gienapp P., Gill J.A., Gordo O., Hedenström A., Lehikoinen E., Marra P.P., Møller A.P., Nilsson A.L.K., Péron G., Ranta E., Rubolini D., Sparks T.H., Spina F., Studds C.E., Sæther S.A., Tryjanowski P., Stenseth N.C., 2011, Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change, Biological Reviews, 86(4): 928-946. Lü X.Y., Li B.Q., Cui J., Zhang Q.Y., Chen Q., and Wang Y.Y., 2021, Genetic diversity analysis of anatidae based on mitochondrial genome, Jiyin Zuxue yu Yingyong Shengwuxue (Genomics and Applied Biology), 40(Z1): 2008-2019. Morganti M., 2015, Birds facing climate change: a qualitative model for the adaptive potential of migratory behaviour, Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 85(1): 3-13. Pauls S.U., Nowak C., Bálint M., Pfenninger M., 2012, The impact of global climate change on genetic diversity within populations and species, Molecular Ecology, 22(4): 925-946.