
Genomics and Applied Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7 3 Genetic diversity plays a crucial role in bird populations. It is the cornerstone for a group to adapt to environmental changes and cope with stress. Rich genetic diversity means that there is more genotype and genetic information within the population, thereby increasing the likelihood of the population responding to changes in the external environment. This diversity helps to improve the survival ability of populations and reduce the risk of ecosystem and population collapse caused by environmental changes (De Meester et al., 2017). The genetic diversity of bird migration is not only reflected in the migration behavior itself, but also in the selection of migration paths, adaptability to different habitats, and rapid adaptation to new environments. During migration, genetic diversity of populations may be challenged due to changes in geography and environment. This change may trigger gene flow, variation, and selection, thereby having a profound impact on the adaptability and survival strategies of the population (Lü et al., 2021). Some birds may change their migration paths or residence locations due to climate change to adapt to new environmental conditions. The behavioral change may lead to changes in gene flow and genetic structure within the population, increasing the frequency of different genotypes and thus affecting the survival strategy of the population. The richness of genetic diversity can provide populations with greater genetic adaptability, making them more likely to survive in constantly changing environments. 1.3 The impact of migration types on gene diversity The migration types of birds have a significant impact on gene diversity. Different types of migration patterns, such as seasonal migration, partial migration, or periodic migration, can have varying impacts on genetic diversity and distribution within a population. Seasonal migration may trigger broader gene flow, as migratory birds navigate multiple geographic locations during the migration season, leading to gene exchange and mixing. This frequent gene flow may reduce genetic differences between migrating populations, increase gene exchange in the overall population, and thus maintain relatively high gene diversity. In contrast, birds that migrate partially or regularly may exhibit greater genetic differentiation. If some individuals or groups choose to stay in place while others choose to migrate, this may lead to gene segregation and differences. Over the long term, this may result in genetic diversity differences between different subspecies, populations, or individuals. The type of migration can also have an impact on genetic adaptability and population genetic structure. Migration strategies are related to environmental adaptability, therefore bird populations under different migration patterns may exhibit different adaptive genotypes to different environmental pressures (Hoffmann and Sgrò, 2011). Furthermore, migration strategies may affect the gene frequency and genetic structure within bird populations, resulting in varying degrees of gene differentiation and differences, which may affect the adaptability and survival ability of the population. 2 Genomic Stability and Environmental Changes 2.1 The challenge of environmental changes to genomic stability Genomic stability plays a crucial role in the relationship between bird migration and environmental changes, and this stability is the cornerstone of species genetic diversity and adaptability. The changes in the environment challenge the stability of the genome, and their impact involves multiple aspects such as genetic variation, genotype frequency changes, and gene flow. Environmental changes may trigger genetic variations in the genome. Climate anomalies, habitat destruction, or interference from human activities may induce mutations or rearrangements in the genome, which may lead to changes in the genetic structure of species. This variation may sometimes have a positive impact on the adaptability of bird populations, but it may also increase the risk of disease or reduce the adaptability of the population. Environmental stress may also lead to changes in specific genotypes or gene frequencies in the genome. Some specific genotypes may be more adaptable to changing environments, therefore, under environmental pressure, the frequency of these genotypes may increase. However, such changes may lead to a decrease in genetic diversity, increasing the risk of disease or other environmental pressures on the population (Tamario et al., 2019).