
Genomics and Applied Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 47-53 47 Research Report Open Access Genetic Mechanism of Cassava Disease Resistance: From Traditional Breeding to CRISPR/Cas Application Wenzhong Huang , Zhongmei Hong CRO Service Station, Sanya Tihitar Sci Tech Breeding Service Inc., Sanya, 572025, China Corresponding email: Genomics and Applied Biology, 2024, Vol.15, No.1 doi: 10.5376/gab.2024.15.0007 Received: 06 Dec., 2023 Accepted: 08 Jan., 2024 Published: 19 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Huang and Hong, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Huang W.Z., and Hong Z.M., 2024, Genetic mechanism of cassava disease resistance: from traditional breeding to CRISPR/Cas application, Genomics and Applied Biology, 15(1): 47-53 (doi: 10.5376/gab.2024.15.0007) Abstract The escalating threat of plant diseases to cassava (Manihot esculenta) production necessitates innovative strategies for developing disease-resistant varieties. Traditional breeding has been instrumental in enhancing cassava's resistance to various pathogens, but it is often limited by the complexity of genetic traits and the lengthy timeframes required. The advent of CRISPR/Cas genome editing technology has revolutionized the field of plant breeding by enabling precise modifications of plant genomes. This systematic review provides a comprehensive analysis of the genetic mechanisms underlying cassava disease resistance and the transition from conventional breeding techniques to the cutting-edge CRISPR/Cas applications. We examine the current state of knowledge on plant-pathogen interactions in cassava and discuss how CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing has been employed to disrupt these interactions by targeting susceptibility factors within the plant genome. Furthermore, we explore the advancements in genome editing tools, such as base editing and prime editing, that have broadened the scope of generating disease-resistant cassava varieties. The review also highlights the potential of CRISPR/Cas9 in enhancing disease resistance through multiplexed gene editing and trait stacking, which is particularly relevant for complex traits like disease resistance. By synthesizing insights from recent developments in CRISPR/Cas applications across various crops, we aim to provide a roadmap for future research and the development of cassava varieties with improved resistance to a spectrum of diseases, thereby contributing to global food security. Keywords Cassava disease resistance; Genetic breeding; CRISPR/Cas technology; Gene editing; disease management Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a staple crop that plays a pivotal role in the food security and economy of many tropical and subtropical regions. Its resilience to harsh environmental conditions and its versatile use in both human consumption and industrial applications underscore its agricultural value. However, the productivity and quality of cassava are severely threatened by various diseases, which can lead to significant economic losses and jeopardize food security. Understanding and improving cassava's disease resistance is therefore of paramount importance. Diseases such as cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) are among the most destructive, causing substantial yield reductions. Traditional breeding methods have been employed to enhance disease resistance in cassava, but these approaches are often time-consuming and limited by the availability of resistant germplasm. Moreover, the complex genetics of disease resistance traits can pose additional challenges to conventional breeding efforts (Zhu et al., 2020). The advent of modern gene editing technologies, particularly CRISPR/Cas systems, has revolutionized the field of plant breeding by enabling precise and targeted modifications to plant genomes (Shahriar et al., 2021). CRISPR/Cas has emerged as a powerful tool for improving disease resistance in crops, including cassava, by editing susceptibility genes or by directly targeting pathogen genomes. This technology offers a rapid and efficient alternative to traditional breeding and has the potential to accelerate the development of disease-resistant cassava varieties.In this systematic review, we will explore the genetic mechanisms underlying cassava disease resistance, from traditional breeding practices to the cutting-edge CRISPR/Cas applications. We will delve into the current state of knowledge, recent advancements, and future prospects of employing gene editing for the enhancement of cassava's defense against its most threatening diseases.