
Genomics and Applied Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 39-46 43 3 Prospects and Challenges of Single-Cell Omics Technologies in Neuroscience Research 3.1 Future directions of single-cell omics technologies Single-cell omics sequencing technologies have already achieved substantial results in the field of stem cell biology. However, the current technologies are still not ideal for studying stem cells in living organisms. These technologies are expected to be further developed and improved over the next few years. The current single-cell omics sequencing technologies exhibit both strengths (well-developed aspects) and weaknesses (developing aspects) as illustrated in Figure 2. Therefore, the future development direction of single-cell omics technologies in neuroscience research is particularly promising. With continuous innovation and optimization of these technologies, single-cell omics is expected to provide a deeper and more comprehensive perspective for neuroscience research (Leopold et al., 2019). Figure 2 Characteristics of the current single-cell omics sequencing technology (Lu and Tang, 2022) Note: Single-cell omics sequencing technology is shown shaped like a barrel with both long (developed) and short (developing) boards (left panel), and a radar chart shows the current technical states of nine major characteristics, with the more developed state of the character indicated by its being positioned more peripherally (right panel) Further integration of technologies will be an important direction in the future. By combining single-cell omics with other advanced technologies such as imaging techniques and genetic methods, it will be possible to study the genome, transcriptome, proteome, and intercellular interactions at the level of individual cells, thus revealing the complex mechanisms of the nervous system more comprehensively. Deep analysis and interpretation of data will be another key direction. As single-cell omics data continue to accumulate, how to effectively integrate, analyze, and interpret these data to extract meaningful biological information will become a focal point of research (Lin et al., 2017). Moreover, single-cell omics technologies are also expected to play a significant role in the early diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Through single-cell analysis of patient brain tissue, pathological changes can be detected earlier, providing possibilities for early intervention and treatment. Single-cell omics technologies are also expected to provide more insights for basic neuroscience research. For instance, in processes such as neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, single-cell omics can provide a deeper understanding of the heterogeneity and dynamic changes between cells, thereby revealing fundamental laws of the nervous system. 3.2 Current and future technological and ethical challenges Although single-cell genomics technology has made significant progress in neuroscience research, it still faces a series of technical and ethical challenges. On the technical level, the experimental process of single-cell genomics is complex and requires high-quality samples, which demands high technical skills and experience from researchers. Additionally, the vast amount of data generated by single-cell genomics requires strong computational power and advanced algorithms for data analysis and interpretation, posing challenges for data processing and analysis. Moreover, the accuracy and reliability of the technology also need continuous attention and improvement to avoid misleading conclusions caused by technical errors (Abraham et al., 2020). On the ethical level, the application of single-cell genomics technology in neuroscience research involves