
Genomics and Applied Biology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 27-38 27 Review and Progress Open Access The Latest Progress of Cryo Electron Microscopy Technology in Protein Structure Analysis WeiWang Institute of Life Science,Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, China Corresponding email: Genomics and Applied Biology, 2024, Vol.15, No.1 doi: 10.5376/gab.2024.15.0005 Received: 28 Nov., 2023 Accepted: 02 Jan., 2024 Published: 15 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Wang, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Wang W., 2024, The latest progress of cryo electron microscopy technology in protein structure analysis, Genomics and Applied Biology, 15(1): 27-38 (doi: 10.5376/gab.2024.15.0005) Abstract With the rapid development of Cryo Electron Microscopy (Cryo EM) technology, significant progress has been made in protein structure analysis, opening up new avenues for research in the fields of biology and medicine. This study aims to review the latest progress of cryo electron microscopy technology in protein structure analysis, and explore its research significance and application prospects. Through in-depth analysis of technological optimization, method innovation, and its application in the study of complex biological macromolecular structures, it was found that cryoelectron microscopy technology not only improves resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, but also successfully analyzes various complex protein structures, providing powerful tools for research in the fields of biology and medicine. The development of cryoelectron microscopy technology not only deepens the understanding of protein structure and function relationships, but also provides new ideas and methods for drug development and disease treatment. Therefore, further promoting the development and application of cryoelectron microscopy technology is of great significance for promoting progress in the field of life sciences. Keywords Cryoelectron microscopy; Protein structure analysis; Advantages; Technological progress; Application prospect As an important carrier of life activities, protein's structure determines its functional performance. Deeply analyzing the structure of proteins is of great significance for understanding the essence of life activities, revealing the pathogenesis of diseases, and developing new drugs (Walport et al., 2021). In the field of biology, protein structure analysis helps to reveal the interactions between biomolecules and elucidate the molecular mechanisms of complex biological processes such as cell signaling and metabolic pathways. In the field of medicine, protein structure analysis can provide key theoretical basis for early diagnosis, precise treatment, and new drug development of diseases. Therefore, research on protein structure analysis has always been a hot topic and frontier in the fields of biology and medicine. Cryoelectron microscopy, also known as cryoelectron microscopy, is a technique that uses an electron microscope to perform high-resolution imaging of biological samples in a frozen state (Thompson et al., 2016). The principle is to quickly freeze biological samples, fix biological molecules in a conformation close to physiological state, and then scan the sample with an electron beam to obtain structural information of the sample. This technology not only has atomic level resolution and can reveal the fine structure of biomolecules, but also the sample preparation is relatively simple, without the need for complex crystallization or staining treatment, and is closer to the natural state of biomolecules (Mitra, 2019). More importantly, cryo electron microscopy technology can capture the dynamic conformational changes of proteins under physiological conditions, thereby more comprehensively revealing the functional mechanisms of proteins. Freezing electron microscopy technology has shown unparalleled advantages in protein structure analysis due to its unique principles and characteristics. It not only expands the scope of protein structure research, but also provides strong technical support for scientists to have a deeper understanding of the functional mechanisms of proteins. With the continuous progress and improvement of technology, cryo electron microscopy technology will play a more important role in future protein structure research (Thompson et al., 2016).