
Computational Molecular Biology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-8 6 2) Consideration of environmental factors The degree of consideration of environmental factors also varies among studies. Some studies incorporate environmental factors into the model, attempting to comprehensively consider the interaction between genetics and the environment, while others may primarily focus on genetic factors and treat them as the core of the research. 3) Selection of datasets and sample size The choice of datasets and sample size used in studies is also an important difference in research methods. Some studies may use data from different regions or ethnic groups to increase the external validity of the research, while others may focus on in-depth research within specific populations. 4) Analyzing the complexity of the model The complexity of the analytical models used in the study also varies. Some studies use relatively simple statistical models, while others may use more complex machine learning algorithms to better capture the potential patterns in the genomic data. Comparing the similarities and differences of research methods helps us to fully understand the diversity of genomic prediction research and provide guidance for future studies. By integrating different methods, we can build more comprehensive and robust genomic prediction models to better understand the genetic basis of Alzheimer's disease. 3.2 The application of the latest genome prediction technology in Alzheimer's disease research With the continuous progress of technology, the latest genome prediction technology has ushered in a new chapter in Alzheimer's disease research. One remarkable technology is single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). Through this technology, researchers canin-depth exploration the differences in gene expression in brain tissue at the single-cell level, Revealed the unique contribution of different cell types in the development of Alzheimer's disease. This fine resolution allows us to more comprehensively and accurately understand the pathological process of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has also brought revolutionary changes to genome prediction. Through the deep learning and pattern recognition capabilities of AI algorithms, researchers can discover hidden associations and patterns in large genomic datasets. In Alzheimer's disease research, AI can not only assist in analyzing the complex relationship between genes and diseases, but also predict the development trajectory of patient prognosis, providing higher-level guidance for precision medicine practice. The application of these emerging technologies allows researchers to explore the information of genomics at a deeper and more comprehensive level in Alzheimer's disease research. The introduction of these advanced technologies not only expands our understanding of the mechanism of the disease, but also points to the future development of genome prediction. In this promising field, it ispromising to break through the limitations of Alzheimer's disease research and provide more precise tools for the development of early diagnosis and treatment strategies. 3.3 Potential breakthroughs and discoveries By deeply exploring the genome data, researchers may identify specific genetic variations that emerge in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease development. These early predictive markers have the potential to become tools for earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, providing a window for early intervention and treatment. With a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics of individual genomes, doctors can develop more targeted treatment plans for patients. This means that in the future, it may be possible to develop more effective personalized medications and refined treatment plans that maximize therapeutic effectiveness and minimize the occurrence of side effects.