
Computational Molecular Biology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 36-44 40 Figure 1S. aureus proteome according to the strains’ genetic backgrounds (Photo credit: Pivard et al., 2023) Image caption: (A) Variations in the virulomes according to the AGR type are visualized in the PCA analysis on the first and second dimensions. (B) The eigenvalue plot for the first five dimensions of the PCA is represented using a histogram. (C) Variations in the virulomes according to the clonal complex (CC) are visualized in the PCA analysis on the first and second dimensions. The colored ellipses represent different AGR types and CCs, explaining the variations in virulence gene expression under different genetic backgrounds (Adapted from Pivard et al., 2023) 4 Host-Pathogen Interaction Studies 4.1 Host response profiling Proteomics has significantly contributed to our understanding of host response during bacterial infections. In the context of rice, proteomic analysis has been instrumental in profiling the changes in protein expression upon infection by various pathogens, including bacteria. Studies have shown that upon infection, rice plants undergo a complex reprogramming of their proteome, which includes the upregulation and downregulation of numerous proteins involved in defense and stress responses. These proteomic changes are crucial for the plant's survival and adaptation to the pathogenic attack. The use of advanced proteomic techniques, such as mass spectrometry, has