
Computational Molecular Biology 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 28-35 30 Network Biology also has dynamic and personalized characteristics. It can analyze the dynamic changes in protein interaction networks under different conditions and at different times, revealing the dynamic processes of disease occurrence and development. Moreover, Network Biology can design personalized disease prediction and treatment plans based on an individual's genetic background and environmental factors. This personalized research approach helps to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of disease diagnosis and treatment. 2 Research on the Relationship Between Protein Function and Disease in Network Biology 2.1 Network biology reveals the relationship between protein function and disease Network biology demonstrates strong capabilities in integrating multi-omics data to reveal the relationship between protein function and disease. It utilizes genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and other multi-omics data comprehensively, forming multidimensional and multilevel information networks, thereby providing a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the role of proteins in diseases (Huang et al., 2020). Network biology can integrate genomic data to identify gene variants and expression changes related to diseases. These variants and changes may directly affect the structure and function of proteins, and are closely related to the occurrence and development of diseases. By comparing genomic data from different individuals or disease states, network biology can identify potential disease-related genes, providing important clues for subsequent studies on protein function. The integration of transcriptomics data helps network biology to reveal the relationship between gene transcription regulatory networks and protein function. By analyzing gene expression profiles and transcription factor activities, network biology can construct gene regulatory networks and identify key transcriptional regulators. These factors regulate the genes encoding proteins, thereby affecting the expression levels and functional states of proteins, which are closely linked to the occurrence and development of diseases. Since protein localization can provide crucial information about function, apart from mapping their interactions, David et al. (2020) assessed the cellular localization of individually expressed coronavirus proteins (Figure 1A). Immunofluorescence localization analysis of all 2xStrep-tagged novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, and MERS-CoV proteins in HeLaM cells highlighted a similar localization pattern for most shared protein homologs (Figure 1B), supporting the hypothesis that conserved proteins have functionally similar roles. Figure 1 Coronavirus protein localization analysis (David et al., 2020)