
Bioscience Methods 2024, Vol.15, No.6, 275-288 278 shelf life of sweet potatoes (Vithu et al., 2019; Rashid et al., 2022). Proper storage conditions, including optimal temperature and humidity levels, are crucial for preventing spoilage and maintaining product quality. The industrial processing of sweet potatoes involves a series of well-coordinated steps, each critical for ensuring the quality and safety of the final product. From washing and peeling to advanced drying and storage techniques, each process has been optimized to enhance efficiency and product quality. The integration of novel technologies, such as infrared and radio frequency blanching, as well as combined drying methods, has significantly improved the processing outcomes, making sweet potato products more competitive in the market. Figure 2 Drying techniques used for sweet potatoes (Adopted from Rashid et al., 2022) Image caption: (A) Indirect solar dryer. (B) Greenhouse dryer. (C) Cabinet dryer. (D) Drying system. (E) Infrared drying equipment. (F) Mid-infrared dryer (Adopted from Rashid et al., 2022) 4 Advanced Processing Techniques for Value-Added Products 4.1 Extrusion processing for sweet potato-based snacks Extrusion processing is a versatile technique widely used in the food industry to produce snacks, pasta, and other food products. This method involves forcing sweet potato-based mixtures through a die under high pressure and temperature, resulting in expanded and texturized products (Figure 3). Studies have shown that extrusion can significantly enhance the functional properties of sweet potato residues, such as increasing soluble dietary fiber content and improving water and oil retention capacities (Qiao et al., 2020). Additionally, extrusion allows for the incorporation of various by-products, which can enhance the nutritional profile and sustainability of the final products (Grasso, 2020; (Leonard et al., 2020). For instance, the substitution of purple sweet potato with kidney bean flour during extrusion has been shown to improve protein and fiber content while reducing the glycemic index (Palupi et al., 2023).