Bioscience Methods 2024, Vol.15, No.6, 356-368 366 drought and high temperatures. Innovations in precision agriculture, such as the use of sensors and automation for real-time monitoring and management of irrigation and nutrient levels, offer promising avenues for improving efficiency and reducing labor costs. Finally, expanding research on the economic feasibility and scalability of these techniques will be vital to ensure their adoption by a broader range of farmers, thereby contributing to global food security and sustainable agriculture. Acknowledgments The authors expresse deep gratitude to Professor R. Cai from the Zhejiang Agronomist College for his thorough review of the manuscript and constructive suggestions. The authors also extend thanks to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable revision recommendations. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Ahmad H., Yeasmin S., Rahul S., Mahbuba S., and Uddin A., 2017, Influence of sucker pruning and old leaves removal on growth and yield of cherry tomato, Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 12(02): 1048-1053. Ambrosano E., Salgado G., Otsuk I., Patri P., Henrique C., and Melo P., 2018, Organic cherry tomato yield and quality as affect by intercropping green manure, Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 40: e36530. Baliyan S., Rao K., Baliyan P., and Mahabile M., 2013, The effects of 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid plant growth regulator on the fruit set, yield and economic benefit of growing tomatoes in high temperatures, International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 3(2): 29-36. Chanthini K., Stanley-Raja V., Thanigaivel A., Karthi S., Palanikani R., Sundar N., Sivanesh H., Soranam R., and Senthil-Nathan S., 2019, Sustainable agronomic strategies for enhancing the yield and nutritional quality of wild tomato, Solanum Lycopersicum(l) var Cerasiforme Mill, Agronomy, 9(6): 311. Cheng M., Wang H., Fan J., Xiang Y., Tang Z., Pei S., Zeng H., Zhang C., Dai Y., Li Z., Zou Y., and Zhang F., 2021, Effects of nitrogen supply on tomato yield, water use efficiency and fruit quality: a global meta-analysis, Scientia Horticulturae, 290: 110553. Cipriani D., Nascimento S., and Melo G., 2020, Mulch as a technique to improve the production of cherry tomato in conventional planting system, Revista Sítio Novo, 4(3): 88-96. Coyago-Cruz E., Meléndez-Martínez A., Moriana A., Girón I., Martín-Palomo M., Galindo A., Pérez-López D., Torrecillas A., Beltrán-Sinchiguano E., and Corell M., 2019, Yield response to regulated deficit irrigation of greenhouse cherry tomatoes, Agricultural Water Management, 213: 212-221. Du Y., Cao H., Liu S., Gu X., and Cao Y., 2017, Response of yield, quality, water and nitrogen use efficiency of tomato to different levels of water and nitrogen under drip irrigation in Northwestern China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(5): 1153-1161. Fan H., Zhang Y., Li J., Jiang J., Waheed A., Wang S., Rasheed S., Zhang L., and Zhang R., 2023, Effects of organic fertilizer supply on soil properties, tomato yield, and fruit quality: a global meta-analysis, Sustainability, 15(3): 2556. Fink J., Sánchez-Rodríguez A., Souza C., Junior C., Lagos F., Frosi G., Eckert D., and Schwengber A., 2020, Adjusting P-K fertilization and liming strategies to enhance yield of cherry tomato plants grown on an Oxisol, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51(13): 1736-1746. Glion H., Alkalai-Tuvia S., Zaaroor-Presman M., Chalupowicz D., Zanbar M., Amichai M., Cohen S., Shemer T., Sarig S., and Fallik E., 2019, Effects of rootstock/scion combination and two irrigation water qualities on cherry tomato yield and postharvest fruit quality, Horticulturae, 5(2): 35. Guo T.X., 2024, Genetic improvement of chickpeas: traits, targets, and technology, Legume Genomics and Genetics, 15(5): 221-231. Guo J., Dong L., Kandel S., Jiao Y., Shi L., Yang Y., Shi A., and Mou B., 2022, Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis provides insights into the fruit quality and yield improvement in tomato under soilless substrate-based cultivation, Agronomy, 12(4): 923. Guo X., Zhao D., Zhuang M., Wang C., and Zhang F., 2021, Fertilizer and pesticide reduction in cherry tomato production to achieve multiple environmental benefits in Guangxi, China, Science of the Total Environment, 793: 148527.