
Bioscience Methods 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 184-195 1 93 Acknowledgments We appreciate the anonymous peer reviewers for their revision suggestions on the manuscript. Funding This work was supported by the Scientific Research Foundation of Panxi Crops Research and Utilization Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (Grant No. XNFZ2203), and the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Xichang University (Grant No. YBZ202340), and the Key and Major Science and Technology Projects of Yunnan (Grant nos. 202202AE09002102). Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Bao X., Zong Y., Hu N., Li S., Liu B., and Wang H., 2021, Functional R2R3-MYB transcription factor NsMYB1, regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis, was relative to the fruit color differentiation in Nitraria sibirica Pall, BMC Plant Biology, 22(1): 186. Chen X., Li M., Ni J., Hou J., Shu X., Zhao W., Su P., Wang D., Shah F., Huang S., Liu Z., and Wu L., 2021, The R2R3-MYB transcription factor SsMYB1 positively regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis and determines leaf color in Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum Roxb.), Industrial Crops and Products, 164: 113335. Duan A., Tan S., Deng Y., Xu Z., and Xiong A., 2022, Genome-wide identification and evolution analysis of R2R3-MYB gene family reveals S6 subfamily R2R3-MYB transcription factors involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in carrot, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(19): 11859. Feng K., Xu Z., Que F., Liu J., Wang F., and Xiong A., 2018, An R2R3-MYB transcription factor, OjMYB1, functions in anthocyanin biosynthesis in Oenanthe javanica, Planta, 247: 301-315. Jung Y., Lee H., Kim J., Kim D., Kim H., Cho Y., Bae S., and Kang K., 2019, CRISPR/Cas9-targeted mutagenesis of F3′H, DFR, and LDOX, genes related to anthocyanin biosynthesis in black rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Biotechnology Reports, 13: 521-531. Kang L., Teng Y., Cen Q., Fang Y., Tian Q., Zhang X., Wang H., Zhang X., and Xue D., 2022, Genome-wide identification of R2R3-MYB transcription factor and expression analysis under abiotic stress in rice, Plants, 11(15): 1928. Karppinen K., Lafferty D., Albert N., Mikkola N., McGhie T., Allan A., Afzal B., Häggman H., Espley R., and Jaakola L., 2021, MYBA and MYBPA transcription factors co-regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis in blue-colored berries, The New Phytologist, 232(3): 1350-1367. Kavas M., Abdulla M., Mostafa K., Seçgin Z., Yerlikaya B., Otur Ç., Gökdemir G., Kızıldoğan A., Al-Khayri J., and Jain S., 2022, Investigation and expression analysis of R2R3-MYBs and anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes during seed color development of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), Plants, 11(23): 3386. Khan A., Jalil S., Cao H., Tsago Y., Sunusi M., Chen Z., Shi C., and Jin X., 2020, The purple leaf (pl6) mutation regulates leaf color by altering the anthocyanin and chlorophyll contents in rice, Plants, 9(11): 1147. Kim J.S., Chae S., Jo Eun J., Do Kim K., Song S.I., Park S.H., Choi S.B., Mi Jun K., Shim S.H., Jeon J.S., Lee G.S., and Kim Y.K., OsMYB14, an R2R3-MYB Transcription factor, regulates plant height through the control of hormone metabolism in rice, Molecules and Cells, 47(8): 100093. Kim Y., Moon H., and Park C., 2019, CRISPR/Cas9-targeted mutagenesis of Os8N3 in rice to confer resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryza, Rice, 12: 1-13. Klimek-Chodacka M., Oleszkiewicz T., Lowder L., Qi Y., and Barański R., 2018, Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing in carrot cells, Plant Cell Reports, 37: 575-586. Lee C., Lee Y.-S., Hong H.-C., Hong W.-J., Koh H.-J., and Jung, K.-H., 2023, Reinterpretation of anthocyanins biosynthesis in developing black rice seeds through gene expression analysis, PloS One, 18(6): e0286539. Li X., Qian X., Lǚ X., Wang X., Ji N., Zhang M., and Ren M., 2018, Upregulated structural and regulatory genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis for coloration of purple grains during the middle and late grain-filling stages, Plant Physiology and Biochemistr, 130: 235-247.