
Bioscience Methods 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 139-148 146 Various studies have demonstrated the successful integration of insecticidal genes such as Cry1Ac, Cry2A, and Vip3A into sugarcane, resulting in high levels of resistance against major pests like the sugarcane borer (Chilo infuscatellus) and the stem borer (Diatraea saccharalis). These transgenic lines have shown up to 100% mortality of target pests in bioassays, indicating their effectiveness. Additionally, the use of genetic engineering techniques such as Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and particle bombardment has facilitated the development of these resistant lines. Moreover, the integration of herbicide tolerance genes alongside insect resistance genes has further improved the agronomic traits of sugarcane, making it more resilient to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Continued research and development in this field are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, the genetic complexity of sugarcane and the lack of naturally resistant genes make conventional breeding methods challenging. Therefore, biotechnological approaches offer a viable alternative for developing insect-resistant varieties. Secondly, the constant threat of resistance development in target pests necessitates the exploration of new genes and the combination of multiple resistance genes to ensure long-term effectiveness. Additionally, the environmental and health concerns associated with chemical pesticides highlight the need for sustainable and eco-friendly pest management strategies. Continued research will also help address issues related to transgene expression stability, non-target effects, and biosafety, which are essential for the commercial deployment of transgenic sugarcane. The future of insect-resistant sugarcane looks promising with the ongoing advancements in genetic engineering and biotechnology. The successful integration of insecticidal genes has already shown significant potential in reducing yield losses and improving the overall productivity of sugarcane. However, to fully realize the benefits, it is essential to address the challenges related to transgene stability, resistance management, and regulatory approvals. Collaborative efforts between researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders will be vital in ensuring the successful commercialization and adoption of these transgenic varieties. With continued innovation and rigorous testing, insect-resistant sugarcane can play a pivotal role in meeting the growing demand for sugar and biofuels while promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Acknowledgments Author appreciates two anonymous peer reviewers for their comments on the manuscript of this study, which enhanced the depth of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Ali A., Khan M., Sharif R., Mujtaba M., and Gao S., 2019, Sugarcane omics: an update on the current status of research and crop improvement, Plants, 8(9): 344. Arruda P., 2012, Genetically modified sugarcane for bioenergy generation, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 23(3): 315-322. Basso M., Cunha B., Ribeiro A., Martins P., Souza W., Oliveira N., Nakayama T., Casari R., Santiago T., Vinecky F., Cançado L., Sousa C., Oliveira P., Souza S., Cançado G., Kobayashi A., and Molinari H., 2017, Improved genetic transformation of sugarcane (Saccharumspp.) embryogenic callus mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Current Protocols in Plant Biology, 2(3): 221-239. Budeguer F., Enrique R., Perera M., Racedo J., Castagnaro A., Noguera A., and Welin B., 2021, Genetic transformation of sugarcane, current status and future prospects, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 768609. Dessoky E., Ismail R., Elarabi N., Abdelhadi A., and Abdallah N., 2020, Improvement of sugarcane for borer resistance using Agrobacterium mediated transformation of cry1Ac gene, GM Crops & Food, 12: 47-56. Douglas A., 2018, Strategies for enhanced crop resistance to insect pests, Annual Review of Plant Biology, 69: 637-660. Geetha M., Kalyanasundaram M., Jayaraj J., Shanthi M., Vijayashanthi V., Hemalatha D., and Karthickraja K., 2018, Pests of sugarcane, in: omkar (ed.), pests and their management, Springer, Singapore, 8: 241-310.