
Bioscience Methods 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 114-123 119 Figure 2 Evolutionary differences in key metabolic pathways among 25 Camellia species (Adapted from Xia et al., 2017) Image Caption: A: Phylogenetic relationships among 25 Camellia species based on whole-transcriptome sequencing data, with the percentage content of seven characteristic metabolites in the leaves of each species, detected by HPLC, shown on the right; B: Expression profiles of key functional genes related to the three major metabolic pathways in tea plants across different species, with data presented in log10 values. The boxplot on the right shows expression correlations within the Thea group (green), the non-Thea group (orange), and between the two groups (gray); C: Sequence variations in genes related to flavonoid, theanine, and caffeine metabolic pathways, along with the phylogenetic topology of orthologous genes across species. (Adapted from Xia et al., 2017) Xia et al. (2017) revealed the mechanisms underlying the accumulation of three characteristic secondary metabolites—flavonoids, theanine, and caffeine—in tea leaves. Through a phylogenetic analysis of the transcriptomes of 25 Camellia species, the study demonstrated significant gene expression differences in metabolic pathways between the Thea group (primarily consisting of common tea varieties) and other non-Thea species. These differences are associated with the synthesis of flavonoids, theanine, and caffeine, suggesting that specific gene expression patterns may drive the accumulation of these secondary metabolites in tea plants. This research provides a molecular basis for understanding the evolutionary origins and accumulation of characteristic secondary metabolites in tea plants, which could aid in future tea quality improvement and new cultivar development. 5.4 Lessons learned and future prospects The case study highlights several important lessons. First, the successful manipulation of specific biosynthesis pathways can lead to significant improvements in the production of desired bioactive compounds. Second, a comprehensive understanding of the tea genome and the metabolic pathways involved is crucial for effective metabolic engineering. Future prospects include further refinement of these genetic modifications to optimize the balance of various bioactive compounds. Additionally, exploring other metabolic pathways and employing advanced biotechnological techniques could lead to the development of new tea varieties with enhanced health benefits and unique flavors (Yadav and Ahuja, 2007; Baik et al., 2015; Xia et al., 2017). The ongoing research in this field promises to make tea an even more valuable commodity in terms of both health benefits and economic value.