
Bioscience Method 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 89-90 90 For more detailed insights and to explore the extensive capabilities of AlphaFold 3, refer to the full paper by Abramson et al., published in Nature: Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3. References Abramson J., Adler J., Dunger J., Evans R., Green T., Pritzel A., Ronneberger O., Willmore L., Ballard A.J., Bambrick J., Bodenstein S.W., Evans D.A., Hung C.C., Neill M.O., Reiman D., Tunyasuvunakool K., Wu Z., Žemgulytė A., Arvaniti E., Beattie C., Bertolli O., Bridgland A., Cherepanov A., Congreve M., Cowen-Rivers A.I., Cowie A., Figurnov M., Fuchs F.B., Gladman H., Jain R., Khan Y.A., Low C.M.R., Perlin K., Potapenko A., Savy P., Singh S., Stecula A., Thillaisundaram A., Tong C., Yakneen S., Zhong D.E., Zielinski M., Žídek A., Bapst V., Kohli P., Jaderberg M., Hassabis D., and Jumper J.M., 2024, Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3, Nature, 630(8016): 493-500. Jumper J., Evans R., Pritzel A., Green T., Figurnov M., Ronneberger O., Tunyasuvunakool K., Bates R., Žídek A., Potapenko A., Bridgland A., Meyer C., Kohl S.A.A., Ballard A.J., Cowie A., Romera-Paredes B., Nikolov S., Jain R., Adler J., Back T., Petersen S., Reiman D., Clancy E., Zielinski M., Steinegger M., Pacholska M., Berghammer T., Bodenstein S., Silver D., Vinyals O., Senior A.W., Kavukcuoglu K., Kohli P., and Hassabis D., 2021, Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold, Nature, 596(7873): 583-589.